Metasploit mailing list archives

News from Metasploit 4.

From: Richard Miles <richard.k.miles () googlemail com>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 17:42:45 -0500


I friend of mine was talking about some great improvements at
Metasploit 4, I checked the blog and it talks very briefly about it,
what more called my attention is that reverse_http and reverse_https
was updated and meterpreter scripts / resources too.

I have 3 questions...

1 - The new reverse_http and reverse_https now are as good as passiveX
was? I mean, we can use it completely over http or https (even the
stager) and the payload is smart enough to get proxy IP and port from
browser and re-use the same credential (in case that proxy require

2 - Before work with AutoRunScript with meterpreter was not that
great, for example, I never could make a script like this work:

use priv
migrate -f
run migrate -f
run hashdump
run scraper

The only thing that worked was sysinfo and getuid. The new version
provides a way to automate this post exploitation commands in a easy
and reliable way? How?

3 - What are the other great news from Metasploit 4?


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