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Re: inline meterpreter payload

From: Richard Miles <richard.k.miles () googlemail com>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:04:21 -0500


So everytime that meterpreter is executed a .dll is transfered? Is this
metsrv.dll static on the Metasploit tree? If yes, why the AVs do not detect
it easily every time? Is this DLL loaded directly from memory (never
touching the disk) by the stager1?


On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Sherif El-Deeb <archeldeeb () gmail com> wrote:

AFAIK there's no way to create a single stage meterpreter currently, I did
however try to hard code all the parameters, and compile the metsrv.dll as
an exe along with all the necessary changes "winmain, compiler settings...
Etc." But still working on it and back the steps once/if I
It should not be that difficult to be implemented in the framework I guess
"the inline meterpreter", but will only be good as a stand alone exe since
I cannot think of an exploit that has space for such a gigantic payload :)

@HD: can we please have an inline meterpreter payload that overcomes all
the issues of getting the second stage? "e.g. Internet gateways that do not
allow dll files to be downloaded..." Instead of banging our heads against
the wall compiling an exe from meterpreter's source?
On Sep 7, 2012 2:14 PM, "_Vlad_" <karavay () gmail com> wrote:

Good day to all,

have got 2 questions (which i did post on rapid7 but got no reply so i'll
rephase it abit ):

1 ) Is there a method to generate inline (all in one ) meterpreter
(reverse_https for example) PE through msfpayload ,as by default it only
spits out the Stager (1st stage).

2 ) does meterpreters 1 st stage (the initial stager) provides an
encrypted channel for meterpreter core loading (i belive its "reflective"
stub which handles it ) i know it does implement TLS at later stages?

Look forward to any feedback on this,


Regards Vlad,

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