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Re: Legislative Relief - was Re: Motion for a new POST NSF

From: bmanning () ISI EDU
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:02:23 -0700 (PDT)

On 16 Oct 95 at 10:19, bmanning () ISI EDU wrote:
Me thinks that this is yet one more short sighted view of the Internet.

Bill, all very good points, indeed.  

But while the US-centric issues are not lost on me, it
certainly seems that the majority of spammage originates from US
ISPs. Perhaps this is based in some way on the free-wheeling
entrepreneurial nature of US commerce or on the increasing tide
of social indifference.  But I digress...

        ..seems..(to).. originates from US (sites)... 

        And where do you get your data?  Domain Names?
        Not a real good measure.  IP addresses?  Better,
        but only slightly so.  Email origin?  Ever hear
        of email spoofing?  John Currans earlier note
        was very concrete here.  You have no data that 
        back your assertion that the problem is US based.

I am not advocating laws which restrict uses of commercial
networks.  I am advocating restraint over those things that
others can do to me which cost me money and thus, are theft.
Federal law already (I believe) restricts what use others may
enjoy of my resources without my permission.  FAX and cellular
phones cannot be used for purposes of advertising.  

        So internetMCI, Sprintlink, PSI, UUnet, MSN,
        and all existing ISP's networks are not going 
        to be bound by your proposed legislation?  
        While I can't say wrt cellular actions, I know
        my fax machine (and PO box, and home answering
        machine) get all sorts of unsolicited dreck.
        Whats the law that I can use to protect myself?

Finally, what I am suggesting is perhaps a little more subtle
than grotesque legal bludgeoning.  Consider the potential
impact that highly visible federal law would have on those who
would consider this an effective means to market to others using
resources for which they do not pay. 

        Most folks that I know think that "highly visible federal law"
        often equates to "grotesque legal bludgeoning".  


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