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Re: Here we go again...

From: Network Operations Center <noc () nwrain net>
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 21:36:55 -0800 (PST)

        Hello All,

On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
On Sun, Dec 28, 1997 at 01:13:21AM -0500, Steve Sobol wrote:
On Fri, Dec 26, 1997 at 07:19:06PM -0500, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
I guess whois is broken again, at least partially...  I was hunting the
HylaFax home page, and went off to whois(1) ''... who aren't
listed.  There isn't something I should know, is there?

The int TLD is not handled by the InterNIC, it's handled by USC-ISI,
as revealed by a query of InterNIC's servers.

Aha!  Hadn't even thought about that...

But you can't do a whois of using, the whois server
that you use to do whois queries on .US subdomains. 

        Well a rwhois(client) call to done thusly,

        rwhois -h 

        Returns :

Referral Whois (RWhois) spec version 1.0 (InterNIC V-1.0BETA4)
Connecting to [] port [43]  -> command line server
RWhois Server at version V-1.0:
Connecting to [] port [4321] Punt referral to higher authority
               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Connecting to [rwhois] port [0] Punt referral to higher authority

<ERROR> Can't find host 'rwhois'.

        Punt to higher authority , Hunh.... !
        It seems they don't supply whois info for areas below the us. ?
        Os is it more on the line that they delegate to 'someone' but
        then don't supply who someone is thru whois ?


Perhaps you should ask ISI why they don't provide whois info, or perhaps
you can ask who does??

That would be a Bill Manning question, wouldn't it?

        Well Bill ?????? 

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra () baylink com
Member of the Technical Staff             Unsolicited Commercial Emailers Sued
The Suncoast Freenet      "Two words: Darth Doogie."  -- Jason Colby,
Tampa Bay, Florida             on              +1 813 790 7592
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^  Me too Just not on News

                        Tia,  JimL

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