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early history of the NSI NIC (Was:Re: Developing a broader view...)

From: "dave o'leary" <doleary () cisco com>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 21:06:46 -0800 (PST)

my recollection from those days is blurred from lack of sleep (then
and now), but I do remember that we (SURAnet/FIX East) put in a T1 link for
added capacity to NSI because connectivity to the NIC when it first moved
there was...ummm....less than satisfactory.  Probably an AGS connected
to an IGS or some such, maybe between the Proteons that we had lying
around (it might have even been connected to the NSI backbone
proteon at the FIX-East end). We just paid for the link for quite a while
because it was the only way we could get connectivity.  I think it was Scott
Williamson (or something like that) who pretty much got munched on in
a big way at the first couple of IETFs and Regional-Techs (pre-NANOG)
meetings after NSI got the contract.  Jennifer (now at UUnet) and Jeff
Burgan (from NASA then, now at Bay Networks) were the ones who actually
really helped to get this working (circuit and routing).

(back in the old days, when I was just a boy things were *really* broken,
we had to sort the packets by HAND...and before in the 80's that we didn't
even *have* a DNS (maybe it would be easier if we went back)).

I also don't worry too much about who is collecting a million here or
there from the government after working with the various defense
contractors and discovering true bureaucratic waste, so maybe the
schedule listed out below is from a second round of funding or
something - but the reason I went through this whole monologue
is that I left SURAnet at the end of March, 1992, (trust, me,
I remember this date) and I *know* the link I described above was up
and running to the NIC at NSI at least months before I left.

So I don't know how the original solicitation could have been in
March of 1992.  I didn't check any of the URLs, so sorry if I
am wasting everyone's time.  Or maybe this is just some doublespeak
and it's all more of the government conspiracy.  Fortunately cisco
is part of the conspiracy now so I can get away with sending messages
like this from the inside, at least until they find me.... :-)


p.s. I would put in a pithy quote from "1984" but I can only find
        "Animal Farm" and "Brave New World" and they aren't quite
        right to match this situation... well actually maybe
        "Brazil" would be better...Central Services anyone?

At 16:22 -0000 2/24/97, Jim Fleming wrote:
Many NANOG members have been around longer than most.

I don't even know how to respond to this.... ????????

If any NANOG members can help fill in the blanks on this
time-table, it might help your members develop a broader view.



March 1992
      Original NSF Solicitation
May 1992
      Original NSI Proposal
October 1992
      Modified NSI Proposal
              "Network Solutions believes NSF's objectives will be met
              most effectively by the award of the bulk of the services to
              a single contractor."
              "Network Solutions proposes Mr. Jon Postel as the
              IANA Manager and Chairman of the Advisory Panel for
              the NREN NIS Manager project. He will provide services
              as an employee of USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI),
              subcontractor to Network Solutions."
      AT&T Proposal
January 1, 1993
      Cooperative Agreements
              General Atomics (GA)
              Network Solutions, Inc.
                      Estimated Total Amount:
                      Effective Date:
                              January 1, 1993
                      Expiration Date:
                              September 30, 1998

<1993...period of "cooperation"..1994>
      General Atomics was supposed to be the NIC of NICs
      and to help coordinate the activities of all three contractors.
      More NICs were supposed to be formed.

December 1994
      Midterm Evaluation
      "The InterNIC awards set the precedent of requiring significant
      self-coordination among a team of awardees, and requiring outreach
      to other Network Information Centers. The panel suggests that the
      NSF critically consider whether it is viable to expect significant
      self-coordination among a team of awardees in future awards.
      The panel also notes that the NSF's program management was
      not able to correct GA's problems early on despite excellent efforts
      by the NSF staff, primarily because the NSF staff were overextended
      by monitoring at least two major projects (the InterNIC and the
      NSFNET backbone) at once. The panel recommends that for future
      large scale efforts in the rapidly changing Internet environment, the
      NSF should form an ongoing advisory panel of outside experts or
      employ some external consultants to help manage such cooperative
      agreements, rather than waiting two years to call for a review."

December 1994
      General Atomics Dismissed

January 1995
      NSF gives NSI more money...
      Amendment 1
              This amendment increases the funds available under
              Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-9218742 by $1,258,457.

      NSI changes key personnel...
      Amendment 2

February-March 1995 (???estimated date???)
      SAIC purchases NSI
      Circumstances, terms, previous owners....???? not known ????

May 1995
      NSF gives NSI more money...AND reviews plan to start charging
      Amendment 3
              "The National Science Foundation (NSF) hereby awards
              $1,948,632 to Network Solutions, Inc. for additional

September 13, 1995
      NSF approves NSI's plan to charge for domain name registrations

October 1995
      Many people and companies debate the issues surrounding the
      commercialization of domain name registrations. The NSF and
      the IANA prevent commercial registries from having new Top
      Level Domains.
November 1995
December 1995
January 1996
February 1996
      Debates and delays
March 1996
      Debates and delays
April 1996
      Debates and promises of plans
May 1996
      Debates and more promises of plans
June 1996
      ISOC Board of Trustees - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
              Montreal, Quebec, Canada
              "RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
              endorse in principle the proposal "New Registries and the
              of International Top Level Domains", dated June 1996 by Jon
              and approve the role assigned to the Internet Society in
this proposal.
              The Board authorises Postel, in his IANA role, to refine
the proposal
              to include a business plan for review and approval by the
July 1996
      Debates and refinement of plans
August 1996
      Debates, meetings and claims of an October 1st start
September 1996
      Operational registries start to appear
October 1996
      The balance of the Intellectual Infrastructure Fund is disclosed...
      "..through October 31, 1996, $8,542,200.00 has been deposited into
the account."

      The Federal Networking Council Advisory Committee advises the NSF
              "The FNCAC reiterates and underscores the urgency of
              transferring responsibility for supporting U.S. commercial
              in ITLD administration from the NSF to an appropriate entity."

November 1996
      "...through November 30, 1996, $9,911,000.00 has been deposited
into the account."
      Commercial TRUE Root Name Servers start to appear...
      the NSF does not allow commercial registries to have TLD entries
      in the Root Name Servers they control...
      The NSF awards USC/ISI $1.5 million

December 1996
      "...through December 31, 1996: $12,685,450.00 has been desposited
into the account."
      The ISOC's IAHC gets started to provide recommendations to IANA

      NSI ends 1996 registering about 80,000 names per month
      which is an approximate gross revenue of $8,000,000 per month
      at $100 per registration. That covers the first 2 years. On an
      annual basis, this amounts to approximately $48,000,000 per year.

January 1997
      IAHC debates continue...
      Plans are announced by NSI to launch ARIN to charge for IP addresses
      NSF gives NSI more money...
      NSI and the IANA announce plans to deploy TRUE Root Name Servers

February 1997
      IAHC recommendations to the IANA finalized

      Commercial registries which are now fully operational are
      still restricted from having their names entered into the widely
      used Root Name Servers controlled by the National Science
      Foundation. Companies are now actively deploying commercial
      Root Name Servers to replace the NSF supported servers.


September 1988
      Cooperative Agreement Ends...

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

JimFleming () unety net
JimFleming@unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)

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