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RE: Statements against

From: Roeland Meyer <rmeyer () mhsc com>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 00:25:17 -0800

From: Vadim Antonov [mailto:avg () kotovnik com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 11:22 PM

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Roeland Meyer wrote:

It has to do with refresh rates, just like DRAM.

It has to do with the way the redundancy is handled in the brain.
Long-term potentiation is not a terribly reliable process.

If you ask my wife, she'll catagorically state that short-term potentiation
is equally unreliable (yes dear, I promise to remember the milk, next time).

Actually i do not propose any new layers.  The "layer" in 
question exists
already, in form of address books, hyperlinks and search engines.

Okay, I'll grant you that.

up, you will be assimilated. You have been in retreat for 
years. You just
didn't realize it. 

Actally i am not in retreat. I just have a funny habit of 
doing different
things, seeing new things and trying to know what other people are

I just have a problem with being told what I can do, what I can see, and
what is correct to think. The Unified root theology has a bad habit of doing

What i learned so far - if technology aims to change human nature, it
fails.  It is very naive to assume that brotherhood of 
technologists will
stay cooperative when real money gets in.  I do not like it 
any more than
any other techie, but let's face reality.  The control of domain name
space is passing from technologists to lawyers and politicos.

Only because there is a single point of control. We need a de-centralized

The real answer was to stop the incursion of trademark 
crowd into the DNS.
You can thank Dave Crocker, Kent Crispin, and their IAHC 
for that smooth

You can't stop them.  They are the guys who are making laws.  
The only way
to actually stop them is to organize revolution.  Can i opt out? :)

I disagree, as I have also disagreed with the ORSC in this. The ORSC has
opted out of ICANN involvement. I have not. BTW, there are laws that protect
existing business, even a TLD registry. I continually remind my self of the
result of Patrick Henry's boycott of the US Constitutional Convention. It
happened anyway and he wasn't part of it.

Now if you think that they'd stop just because you have retreated
behind yet another layer of abstraction, you are indeed naieve. They
will come and hunt you out.

What i am proposing is to remove the contention point. When 
"names" do not have intrinsic value, nobody'll fight over them.

An identifier on that level will always have some intrinsic meaning. Your
plan will only effect the degree of value.

Now, the lawers will keep
hunting trademark violators - but with nothing as tangible as 
single name,
they will have to prove the intent to defraud;  for now 
courts think that
just acquiring a well-known brand name (thus depriving 
"rightful" owner of
its use) is an ample proof of such intent.

Actually, existing is already that way. UDRP circumvents existing law with
contract law. You give up your rights to a court trail, with UDRP. UDRP is
administered by WIPO, not ICANN. UDRP decisions often run counter to US
trademark law, or anyone elses TM law. UDRP pushes the burden of TM
enforcement out to the ICANN, away from the legally designated steward, the
TM holder.

The inclusive root zone efforts, like that of the ORSC and 
PacRoot, are
actually trying to keep the root intact. We saw the 
probability of outfits
like, years ago. We also recognised what it meant. 

It means that the ICANN soapbox is only fine because 

Microsoft has bigger
fish to catch.  Now imagine they ship an OS with a resolver with
"additional" functionality - conviniently pointing to _their_ 
registry if
"public" root didn't yield the result. You cannot charge them 
with unfair
competition because this is just an additional convinience to their
customers, and besides they already do similar things with 
keyword search
and messaging. If i understand correctly, no O.S. vendor has 
a contract
with ICANN specifically prohibiting expansion of search 
capabilities. I
think the present scandal is bound to attract their attention.

Actually, this has already occurred. Have you taken a good look at Win2K
yet? Pay particular attention to Dynamic DNS and Active Directory.

We spoke the warnings, we spoke them again at the Nov00 
ICANN meeting

that it is okay to create conflicting delegations. After all, the
ICANN is doing it ... why can't they? There is no law that regulates

Because the current DNS has a single contention point, it is very
vulnerable.  It can be very easily taken over by a large 
corporate entity.

The let's design a better system.

There's a lot of other stuff behind that, but, I think that 
you get the point.

The Internet is successful precisely because it is 
decentralized.  There
is absolutely no reason to make the few "natural" central points
vulnerable by having them to dispense what is considered intrinsically
valuable property. (Thanks God, NAT made IP address 
allocations somewhat
less critical).

And if you think .COM fight is nasty... in other places conflicts like
that are sometimes resolved by means of sending goons with guns.  I
personally was threatened over a domain name dispute, because of my
affiliation with one popular community resource. Fortunately, 
that time
that was merely a bluff.

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