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RE: I've just tried's plugin. Don't.

From: Jeff Workman <jworkman () pimpworks org>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 13:18:25 -0500 (EST)

After _trying_ to ignore this subject all week, and failing miserably, I
now feel that it's time for my $0.02 (USD.)

Stoned koala bears drooled eucalyptus spit in awe as Chris Davis exclaimed:

I did mean to say in my last posting, everything *non-resolvable* outside
the ICANN TLD's is resolved to

This can actually be a "Good Thing," for unless is a Cray,
it's going to be swamped if this thing gets very widely deployed.

Existing TLD domains resolve to whatever their IPs are.

The plug-in, however, sends ANY query outside the ICANN TLDs to
This usurps any and every other imaginable future TLD, ie www.bull.shit
They're not advertising a 'shit' domain (um, literally), and yet requests
for 'shit' go to their NS.

This can almost be considered to be criminal and malicious.  I just hope
and pray that it doesn't go very far.

Their scheme, if successful, takes over service for EVERY TLD domain not
already in operation by ICANN.

Scary, eh?  Yet, people are advocating this farce.

Who's the monopoly?

Gee..I dunno?

Seriously folks, anybody who is supporting this system must be on some
_very_strong recreational pharmaceuticals.  As are those who are claiming
that it's a political issue and not a technical one.  As has been pointed
out _several_ times on this list, the RFC's state ONE ROOT.  This is The
Way God Intended DNS To Be.  This isn't a matter of whether ICANN is right
or not in their decisions concering new TLDs.  Personally, I do not care
who runs the root, as long as it works.  It could be our fine friends at for all I care. What I *do* care about, however, is that resolves to the same IP address (or group of IP
addresses) whether I am dialed into Earthlink, C&W, AOL, or whatever.  Is
it too much to ask that we have a consistent view of the DNS namespace? I
don't think it is, and I don't think that  New.Net's system is going to
provide it.

I hope that whoever dreamt up the whole New.Net concept gets condemned to
the same level of Hell as the spammers and kiddie pr0n peddlers. I am glad
that the advocates of this system have revealed themselves on this list,
for I wish to laugh loudly and obnoxiously at you when New.Net fails, and
it *will* fail.

Thankfully, the 2 small systems that I help to admin in my spare time are
refusing to support this thing, and so far, I have gotten no official word
from my $main_employer as to whether or not they support it or not, but I
suspect the answer to be "no".  I most certainly hope so, for the sake of
humanity and the Internet.


"...and the burnt fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the
fire." -Joe Zeff in the SDM.

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