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Re: Blocked by MX, contact for MSN.COM postmaster ?

From: Darin Wayrynen <darin () deru net>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 05:39:27 -0700 (MST)

Does anyone have a contact at that will respond to a situation
similar to this thread?  Our email queries to support/abuse/etc have gone unanswered.

We have a class C allocated from one of our /16's that has been
blocked by MSN without any prior warning/notice from them.
Unfortunately for our customers, this class C is heavily subneted and
their efforts to block a potential spammer is akin to throwing the
baby out with the bath water.  a /32 I can understand, but a /24?  Why
not a /23 or heck a /8 - carpet bomb everything...

We have *always* been responsive to spam complaints so to be blocked
without any contact/notice is a bit disconcerting.  I'm as anti-spam
as they come, but this is a bit extreme...


I'm actually dealing with the same issue as we speak.  Out of racks of
web servers doing shared hosting, MSN decided to block the eth0 on one
of our Linux boxes.  I called a friend and was given a direct number to
level 3 MSN technical support; they are the last tier of support you can
speak to about technical issues as they forward everything via email to
the MSN NOC.

Tier 3 support #: 877.606.9433

I spent sometime on the phone with an engineer (?) Jerry (Gerald) Jones
at the above number.  If you'd like you can reference my ticket number
(103316949), which should have numerous comments on it and all the
details concerning the SMTP relay issue at hand.

FYI: MSN's email addresses are useless; I tried NOC@, Postmaster@,
Network@ & Abuse@ to no avail.

Hope this helps.  Still waiting for the issue to be resolved though,
ticket was created 4+ hours ago.

Todd Mitchell
ProNIC Solutions

| -----Original Message-----
| From: owner-nanog () merit edu [mailto:owner-nanog () merit edu] On 
| Behalf Of Mark E. Mallett
| Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:44 PM
| To: Miquel van Smoorenburg
| Cc: nanog () merit edu
| Subject: Re: Blocked by MX, contact for MSN.COM postmaster ?
| On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:49:16AM +0000, Miquel van 
| Smoorenburg wrote:
| > 
| > I found out that our outgoing SMTP servers have been blocked by
| > the MXes. In a nasty way, too -- no SMTP error, the TCP
| > connection is simply closed by them immidiately after 
| establishing it.
| > We're not listed on any RBL/DNSBL and have an active abuse desk.
| > 
| > I mailed postmaster () msn com, msnhst () msn com, noc () microsoft com,
| > but didn't get a reply from any of them. Does anyone here know
| > who to talk to ?
| I'd be interested in knowing what you find out.  We observed the same
| thing a while ago from one of our mail servers-- but just one.
| Connection drops immediately, no clue given as to why.  However, from
| another mail server just a few IP numbers away (in the same /24), the
| connection goes through just fine.  The workaround was obviously to
| configure the first mail server to relay mail for via the
| second one, and to try to get Microsoft to tell us what was up.  No
| luck on that last front though.
| -mm-

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