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Re: Geographic map of IPv6 availability

From: "Martin Hannigan" <hannigan () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:49:24 -0400

On 10/15/07, Mark Andrews <Mark_Andrews () isc org> wrote:

In article <ECD70626-8EB0-4651-8A3E-51D783571389 () daork net> you write:

On 15/10/2007, at 8:24 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:


The way I read the portion of the thread related to resolver behavoir
was that the resolver behavior was being discussed. Not the client.
The resolver should have an attribute to select the preference between
A vs. AAAA. Otherwise, it's setting network policy through code.

My question was if there is an option to adjust this, where is it? I
don't see it. I'm not a BIND uber-expert. If there is no option, there
quite possibly ought to be one.

I guess the question could also be asked as to whether BIND honours
the host's configuration of the address selection policy - which
seems more likely than implementing it itself.

For those who missed it - OS level address selection policy won't
apply to BIND without specific code, as BIND is a recursive resolver
so won't be calling getaddrinfo(3).

Nathan Ward

named actually measures the response times to individual addresses
and uses those to determine which servers to query.  Named also
uses what addresses it has before attempting to determine if there
are alternate addresses.

Address selection policies are kind of meaningless in this environment.

How so? I think it's valuable to be able to decide for myself if I
want preference for AAAA or A. If I understand what I am reading, and
am properly recalling past threads here, this would seem important
since it affects the user experience.

As far as how it sets network policy goes, any time something sets a
preferred mode over other options and is not modifiable, it's akin to
setting policy. History has shown that most of us agree with this.

If I'm not interpreting this correctly, I'm all ears (eyes).

[ Note, I'm not making any assumption that anyone has set out to set
internet policy through software. ]


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