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Re: Using x.x.x.0 and x.x.x.255 host addresses in supernets.

From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <rs () seastrom com>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 07:50:13 -0500

"James R. Cutler" <james.cutler () consultant com> writes:

I am astounded at seeing this discussion.  I have not seen this much
disavowing of CIDR addressing since 2003 or before.

To steal a phrase from Dave Rand, "you're confused".  Nobody is
disavowing CIDR, nor is anyone arguing against using the all-zeroes or
all-ones addresses out of a block of any size other than a /8, a /16,
or a /24.  We're saying "last octet should not be .0 or .255 because
it is possible to have it bite you, and the costs of not using those
addresses is pretty low" (see model below).

At least these arguments against .0 and .255 IPv4 addresses are based
on perceived cost of operations, not ignorance of effective network
number vs effective host number.

Not just perceived, actual (as in "we tried this, promptly got a weird
failure escalated to us from the call center").

Now, if we can get Microsoft to
really support TCP/IP, we can make much progress.

Fifteen years later, perhaps.  There are still folks out there running
Windows 98SE, and believe you me, they are the LAST people that you
want to be on the other end of the phone line when your call center
employee is trying to talk them through simple debugging.  Microsoft
could fix everything tomorrow on all platforms and you still have to
deal with people who don't patch and people who are just running out
the lifetime on their hardware.

Of course,
ubiquitous deployment of IPv6 will fix all that.

See above.  Adjust time frame based on the amount of cheerful optimism
you feel.

Especially on proxied enterprise networks, use all the addresses
available base on the effective network address having host number of
0 and the broadcast address being an effective host address of all

Unless you are speaking of a proxied enterprise network that has a /24
or larger of space in the proxy pool, this is a meaningless statement.

And if you are, the union of { enterprise customers } and { joe and
jane ludd with their 98OSR2 box } is likely { }.  [*]

We have had much success with this approach for some large
customer networks.  Also, if your router OS works in a classful
manner, tell the vendor to fix it.  We got CIDR years and years ago.

We got TCO years and years ago.  Let's do the math here.  Suppose that
you are a "medium size" ISP in the ARIN region with a total allocation
that adds up to a /16.  From looking at we know that
you're paying $4500/year in fees.  Now, this space is divided up
thusly: 1/4 for hosting, 1/4 for dial customers, and 1/2 for DSL
customers.  In the dial and DSL arenas, you have 192 /24s in your
pools.  That means you're going to declare 384 addresses (the 0s and
1s) off limits out of 65536 assigned to you, or 0.58%.  This
represents a cost of $2.61 per annum for the address space that is out
of play.

Exercise for the reader: Assuming a fully loaded cost of help desk
personnel (including insurance, employer side social security tax,
office space, IT support, electricity, etc) of $30/hour (cheap!), how
many 10 minute support calls can you take per year before you're
behind, assuming that your inexpensive $30/hour tech is able to figure
out the problem without escalation, which is probably pretty optimistic.

Looking at this from a "wasted IP address space guilt" perspective,
the waste is exactly as much as if you had deployed /24 subnets in a
hosting center on ethernet, where you'd not be using the 0s and 1s
anyway.  Odds are that you'd be using subnets a lot smaller than this,
and "wasting" substantially more addresses.

The only downside is that you end up with some ugly looking pool
declarations, something along the lines of:

   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic
   ip local pool ar00-yul1-dynamic

(globally unique addresses from the original example redacted, natch)

Note, the referenced Microsoft article uses the phrase, "the client
may have difficulty communicating", not will.

To paraphrase another of our illustrious colleagues, "I encourage my
competitors to do this".


[*] Our experience was that 98 was pretty sure to be affected;
obviously being behind a firewall helps enormously and most people are
these days, but most people are not '98 users, and the observation
about the relative costs involved remains correct.  In the case where
I was consulting to a small ISP in the ARIN region with a /20 (15 of
the 16 /24s used for DSL), the costs were 30 addresses out of play out
of a pool of 4096 which cost us $2250/year, or a total IP address cost
of $16.47; plug into above TCO model.

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