nanog mailing list archives

Re: arin and ops fora (was Re: AltDB?)

From: Owen DeLong <owen () delong com>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 16:36:34 -0800

PPML is a forum for the community (not just ARIN members, the entire community).
Good to know. I was under the impression that it was member only.

Nope... Anyone interested can subscribe to PPML.

There is a separate mailing list... arin-discuss which is for members of ARIN to discuss
any ARIN-related topic of interest to the membership. They can and sometimes do
discuss operational matters there.

Except it's listed as no input from ARIN itself?

ARIN does occasionally send informational postings to arin-discuss, but, you are correct
that ARIN staff does not engage in the discussions on that list.

Perhaps a mechanism for ARIN participation would be a good improvement in this area.

Everything you are asking for in your last paragraph is available. Perhaps what is needed
is better education of the membership and community on what tools are available and how
to use them. Were you familiar with arin-discuss prior to this message? If so, in what way
does it not meet the need you are describing?

I can't get subscribed, so, :P

I'll try to address this issue with you off-list.

I also haven't seen on the website pointers for where different tools and resources fall into for community review, 
comment, suggestion, etc. Perhaps it's just my website navigation skills. However, as I said previously, I have no 
serious complaints. It's not like the AC and CEO aren't publicly visible and vocal.

Thanks... We try to be accessible to the community for just this reason.

I think the website doesn't particularly point to those things, but, there pretty much are only
three directions to go and the web site does provide a description of each one...

PPML for discussion of number resource policies and related matters.

ACSP for suggestions and consultations of the community on non-policy matters.

arin-discuss mailing list for discussion with other members about any topic of interest
to the ARIN membership, potentially including demand/desire for tools, operational
practices of ARIN, fees, etc.

Does that help?


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