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RE: Interested in input on tunnels as an IPv6 transition technology

From: "Tony Hain" <alh-ietf () tndh net>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 10:56:11 -0700

Fundamentally tunneling allows you to introduce the new technology while you work through budgeting / 
amortization-of-legacy / resistance-to-change issues. The Internet as we know it was built as a tunnel overlay to the 
voice system, and the underlying operators of that time said the overlay couldn't work or was sub-optimal, just like we 
hear today as a new generation of overlay is deployed.

There is a serious stalemate between the transit/access system which won't/can't invest in something new without a 
rapid ROI as demonstrated by a wildly popular application, and the application/content world that won't/can't invest in 
new applications without a delivery mechanism in place. Tunnels help break that stalemate. 

That said, at scale configuring and debugging an array of tunnels is an operational pain which will quickly outstrip 
the cost for just deploying the new technology natively. In the tunnel-over-voice model, hubs were set up and the end 
user was expected to configure their end of the tunnel to find the closest hub. Works well enough, and tunnel brokers 
are doing the same for IPv6 over IPv4 today. The issue is that we left the dial model behind and people just expect 
their magic CPE thing to take care of it automatically to stay connected at all times. Enter the automated tunnels...

People on this list will complain all day about how bad an idea automated tunnels are, but at the end of the day the 
point of automated tunnels is to get technology deployed to places where those who are complaining have not done so 
yet, and then doing that at scale without changing end user expectations of magic in the CPE. To put it a different 
way, the IPv4 operators have become the lethargic core that they complained about so vehemently 15 years ago, so now 
the $50 CPE has to find a way past them to stay always-connected no matter what rate their ISP rolls the IPv4 DHCP 
pool, or how many layers of nat get put in the way. 

For the specific complaint about MSFT putting tunneling in the host, you can complain to me because I drove that model 
(I have not worked there for over 10 years, but I was the PM for IPv6 in XP). The entire point was to break the 
stalemate and get apps deployed. People on this list generally are network operators and frequently get myopic about 
what problems need to be solved. For the specific problem of app development, there has to be a trust that it is 
worthwhile starting the development, so the API has to work no matter what impediments there are in the network. Given 
that you have to have an app deployed to demonstrate the need for the network operators to make the investment to 
improve its performance, making the API work means the host has to originate the tunnel, at least initially. That said, 
the original XP implementation deferred to any native service and that is the way all implementations of automated 
tunneling should work (I make the point because the rewrite of the stack for Vista/W7 broke this deferral for the 
isatap tunnel type, and as of the last time I checked it has not been fixed yet). Making the API work also means that 
multiple approaches to tunneling are required to deal with the various network topologies that the end system will find 
itself in. From the app developer perspective, none of that should matter as the OS stack should take care of masking 
whatever contortions it has to do for bit delivery. That almost works except for RTT and MTU issues which cause 
performance degradation relative to the underlying legacy protocol.

I can already hear the responses about how people are demonstrating the failure modes of automated tunnels. My response 
is that those who protest are taking the religious position of 'my content is available via the RIR allocated address 
and you will come to me', which forces traffic through a 3rd party transit intermediary when they could just as easily 
add an address for direct support of the automated tunneling world and all of the 3rd party issues they complain about 
as failures would vaporize. There would still be firewall induced failures, but the entire point of firewalls is to 
cause a failure for services the firewall operator is not prepared to deal with. There is a simple enough work around 
for that by daisy chaining automated tunnel technologies with an intermediate firewall, so it doesn't have to be the 
crisis it is being made out to be.

While IPv4 creates a nice global NBMA network (to pass what from an IPv6 perspective are logically layer-2 frames 
around), tunnels create a challenge for diagnostics because there may be a divergence between the tunnel and the 
underlying path. This is amplified when the underlying path it asymmetric, and even further when 3rd parties are 
introduced in one or both directions. This issue also exposes the disparity between what the applications are trying to 
do vs. what the native network is capable of. When your job is the underlying network, exposing this difference is 
going to cause grief, and in turn complaints about the thing that is shining light on the situation.

As to specific technologies:
Tunnel brokers
The modern equivalent of modem-pools. Requires explicit action by the end user, and some degree of technical skill to 
get configured correctly (more so than a dial modem which used the widely understood paradigm of placing a phone call). 
Also requires some degree of adaptability by the hub operator to deal with dynamics in the underlying network 
addressing over time. Primary application issue is reduced MTU.

designed as an intra-enterprise tool for hosts to reach across an infrastructure that is still being amortized. Use of 
an IPv4 DNS A record allows network managers to explicitly distribute clients across a set of tunnel termination 
routers, while the alternative use of an IPv4 anycast allows clients to reach the topologically nearest router. Can be 
used in conjunction with native external access, or 6to4/6rd by reencapsulating the packet. The triplet of a 6to4/6rd 
router, native IPv6 firewall, and isatap router allows IPv6 application support between the enterprise end system and 
the public Internet with the same firewall policies as IPv4, and without the need for deep packet inspection to parse 
the tunnel packets. 

designed as a border router to tunnel to other 6to4 routers over public infrastructure that was not ready for native 
support. Relays to transit between the 6to4 addressed environment and the native environment were an add-on that merged 
the two. The IPv4 anycast address to further simplify deployment was another add-on which reduces configuration on the 
client side router. The problematic issue of 6to4 is the misguided one-liner in RFC 3056 5.2 bullet 3 that restricts 
advertisements into the IPv6 BGP mesh to be the entire 2002::/16. This leads to unwanted traffic patterns, so the 
relays are not deployed as widely as they could/should be to mitigate latency and asymmetry issues. If the cpe is 
capable of dealing with the encapsulation, end hosts are unable to distinguish this prefix from any native service that 
might have been offered to the cpe. When no adjacent router is offering native IPv6 service, an end system with a 
public IPv4 address might attempt to use this technology, and if encapsulated packets are blocked by a firewall it will 
fail, but without the firewall the applications will see what appears to be an IPv6 network. 

designed as a derivative of 6to4 to explicitly remove the /16 restriction in IPv6 BGP advertisements because changing 
that one line would have taken longer to get agreement on than an entirely new design, implementation, and deployment 
sequence (note that this will result in just as many IPv6 prefix announcements into BGP as fragmenting 2002:: would 
have, so the arguments about modifying 3056 are moot). Requires that each provider have a large enough allocation to 
embed the uniquely identifying parts of their IPv4 space into each 6rd address block, which is a challenge with 
existing IPv6 allocation policies. It does align the tunnel endpoints with the access infrastructure that is being 
overlaid, at least at the organizational level. Does require CPE capable of sorting out which set of IPv4 address bits 
should be concatenated with the IPv6 pop prefix to create the ultimate IPv6 prefix for that CPE. 

designed to deal with the reality that most end systems find themselves behind a nat and without an adjacent router 
offering IPv6 so the above approaches won't work. Has additional overhead compared with the above, further reducing the 
MTU, and requiring a lengthy call-setup sequence. Works well enough for bulk bit delivery when responsiveness 
expectations are low and nat traversal is the primary goal.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Auer [mailto:kauer () biplane com au]
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 10:53 PM
To: NANOG List
Subject: Interested in input on tunnels as an IPv6 transition

Hullo all.

I'm working on a talk, and would be interested to know what people
think is good about tunnels as an IPv6 transition technology, and what
people think is bad about tunnels.

It would probably be best to let me know off-list :-) but I'm happy to
summarise back to the list. Any references you have to useful papers,
articles, discussions etc would also be appreciated.

I'm looking for both general problems and advantages, but also
advantages and disadvantages specific to particular tunnel types. It
would also be helpful to know from what perspective particular things
are good or bad, in so far as it isn't obvious. A carrier has a
different perspective than, say, a home user, who will have a different
perspective again to an enterprise user.

Many thanks in advance for your input.

Regards, K.

PS: Note the all-important words "as an IPv6 transition technology"...

Karl Auer (kauer () biplane com au)                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                   +61-428-957160 (mob)

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