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Open Letter RE:Cyber Threat Info Sharing Bills

From: Jeremy Gillula <jeremy () eff org>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 21:22:43 -0700

Dear colleagues,

As many of you know, the US Congress is currently considering various
which some of its
think will help fight Internet security threats via increased
information sharing between companies and the government. Unfortunately,
not only are these new information sharing powers unnecessary, the
bills' broad immunity clauses for companies
vague definitions
<>, and aggressive
spying powers
essentially make them secret surveillance bills--and more government
surveillance of the Internet is the last thing we need right now.

I'm writing you today to ask you to sign on to an open letter to
Congress, which explains the fallacy of these bills
to politicians who probably don't understand the intricacies of the
network security world.

This is the fifth <> time
<> in
<> as many
<> years that Congress
has tried to pass "cybersecurity" legislation. Fortunately (with the
help of many of you
on this list) we've been successful in preventing such misguided
legislation in the past./*If you're willing to sign on and help today,
please email me directly (off list) */and I will be happy to share a
copy of the letter for you to review before you agree to sign on.

The more signatures we can get, the more likely Congress is to listen.
All it takes is an email. Please help us make sure politicians get the
message: we don't need new legal authorities to share information that
will help keep the systems and people we protect safe from future attacks.

Thank you for your support,


| Jeremy Gillula, Ph.D.
| Staff Technologist
| Electronic Frontier Foundation
| (415) 436-9333 x158
| jeremy () eff org
| @the_zeroth_law
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