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Re: Cloudflare reverse DNS SERVFAIL, normal?

From: Owen DeLong <owen () delong com>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:41:25 -0700

On Aug 30, 2016, at 15:02 , Mark Andrews <marka () isc org> wrote:

In message <926F8B85-8864-4424-BEAA-1836B718A9FD () delong com <mailto:926F8B85-8864-4424-BEAA-1836B718A9FD () delong 
com>>, Owen DeLong writes:
On Aug 29, 2016, at 17:01 , Mark Andrews <marka () isc org> wrote:

In message <20160829234737.GA16137 () cmadams net>, Chris Adams writes:
Once upon a time, Mark Andrews <marka () isc org> said:
The following is general and is not directed at Cloudflare.  I know
some people don't think errors in the reverse DNS are not critical
but if you are delegated a zone it is your responsablity to ensure
your servers are correctly serving that zone regardless of where
it is in the DNS heirarchy.  Failure to do that causes additional
work for recursive servers.  If you don't want to serve a zone then
remove the delegation.

You are assuming that an authoritative server operator has some way to
know all the zones people delegate to their servers, and remove such
delegations if they don't want to handle them.  That is a wrong

They have methods.  They choose not to use them.  See RFC 1033
COMPLAINTS then after that the court system.


Let us review this and compare to your statement…

From RFC 1033:

  These are the suggested steps you should take if you are having
  problems that you believe are caused by someone else's name server:

  1.  Complain privately to the responsible person for the domain.  You
  can find their mailing address in the SOA record for the domain.

  2.  Complain publicly to the responsible person for the domain.

  3.  Ask the NIC for the administrative person responsible for the
  domain.  Complain.  You can also find domain contacts on the NIC in

  4.  Complain to the parent domain authorities.

  5.  Ask the parent authorities to excommunicate the domain.

1.   Doesn’t really apply in a situation where someone has pointed
     an NS record for a domain at your server without warning. There
     is no SOA record from which to retrieve said mailing address.

If they have pointed a NS record at you there is a SOA record.  Either
in the zone or in the delegating zone.

Sure, but most likely this isn’t particularly useful… See below.

     Also doesn’t work very well in cases where the SOA record does
     not contain a valid email address that reaches someone.

Some do, some don't.  There is also whois address, web contact addresses

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, if it all works as intended and the person isn’t
using domain privacy…

2.   Do we really want NANOG buried in “Will the
     @#@!@$!@$% who delegated XYZ.COM <> < <>> NS Records to
point to
     my servers <name> and <name> please cease and desist?”
     messages? Personally, I vote no.

Why not.  It is a operational message about a misconfiguration.

Because NANOG isn’t for solving individual misconfigurations. It’s for
discussing issues on the internet requiring coordination.

This doesn’t require coordination of multiple providers, it’s a simple
bug report.

It would significantly raise the N in SNR IMHO. Your opinion may differ.

I still vote no.

3.   The NIC? Please explicate Mr. Andrews what that would mean
     in the modern era. Please cover both the normal case and
     the cases where domain privacy is configured.

4.   This might _MIGHT_ actually work, but I suspect that $REGISTRY
     is unlikely to help much when $REGISTRAR accepted an NS record
     from one of their customers for a domain they registered
     that happens to point to your server. Similarly, I suspect
     $REGISTRAR is going to tell you that they won’t make changes
     without authorization from the domain owner.

The registrar becomes party to the disruption to your services and
no the contract the registry signed with ICANN does not save them
from being fined by a court further down the process so they should
listen as it is their finanical interests to listen.

What disruption? It’s pretty hard to argue that sending back some
SERVFAIL responses as a result of a few errant packets on UDP/53
constitutes a significant disruption to service.

Criminal law trumps contract law and deliberate disruption to
services falls under criminal law.  It becomes deliberate once they
fail to act on the complaint in a timely manner.  Remember we are
dealing with matters of fact here.  Published NS records and address

Sure, but to get a DA to prosecute for deliberate disruption, one has
to be able to prove intent. Mere misconfiguration is not intent.
Mere misconfiguration followed by ignoring bug reports becomes a little
more grey, but I bet you’re still not likely to get very far without
a much larger disruption to your service in the form of time spent
than you suffer by simply ignoring it.

Add to that there are published proceedures that are not being
followed that they should be aware of.

Published procedures don’t have the force of law. They may help you
to create a presumption of misconduct or negligence, but that’s about
as far as they can go.

5.   I suspect that success in this effort will likely parallel
     the level of success I would expect in step 4.

So, now that we’ve realized that RFC-1033 is utterly useless in this
context and badly outdated to boot, let’s review your other suggestion…

No, it isn't utterly useless.  It also shows you have tried to solve
the problem in a civil manner if you take it further.

It has a less than 0.001% probability of achieving a useful end result.

I consider that within the realm of “utterly useless”. YMMV.

“… after that [sic] the court system.”

[sic] refers to the missing comma.

So let me see if I understand correctly.

I run a pair of nameservers. Let’s call them
<> and <>

Someone registers <> and points NS records
in the COM zone at my

I’m now supposed to seek judicial relief in order to compel them to stop
doing that?

Small claims doesn’t process claims seeking injunctive relief. I suppose
I could
use a $1,500 or even $5,000 small claims case as a way to get their
but that’s kind of an abuse of the process. If I want an injunction, at
in California, I have to go to Superior court.

Now, first, we have to figure out jursidiction. As a general rule,
goes to the court which is responsible for the locale in which the event
place or where the contract was entered into, or the jursidiction set by
contract. In this case, there’s no contract, so we have to look at where
event in question occurred. The problem is that the law hasn’t really
up with technology in this area and depending on who ends up being parties
to the suit, the definition gets pretty murky at best. Is it the primary
office of the registry? The registrar? The registrant? The location of the
nameserver(s) which are erroneously pointed to? (What if they are anycast
all over the world?) The business address of the operator or owner of
nameservers? Where, exactly do we file this suit?

Your lawyer will work that out.

OK, so let me make sure I’m understanding you correctly.

I’m getting these extra packets I don’t want. They’re probably costing me
less than $1/day, but they’re a bit annoying.

You now want me to go pay someone $300/hour to sort all of this out, probably
against a $5,000 or $10,000 retainer just to start?

Will you be financing any of these operations, or, are you just hoping that
we’re all dumb enough to bankrupt ourselves in the name of clean DNS?

The next problem we have is who to sue. Do we sue the domain registrant?
registrar they used to register the domain name? etc.

Your lawyer will work that out.

See above.

Yeah, I don’t think there’s enough possibility of any sort of recovery to
make that worth the effort or expense.

So you decide to not avail yourself of the process available to you.  That
is not the same thing as saying there is no process.

I never said there was no process. I said that the existing process was useless.

If the procedural argument doesn’t convince you and the economic argument doesn’t
sink in, then, you are entitled to your opinion, but I’m willing to bet that a
much larger fraction of the community believes that there is nothing to be gained
from the process compared to the costs of engaging in it.


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