nanog mailing list archives

Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

From: Terrence Koeman via NANOG <nanog () nanog org>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 11:23:28 +0200

FYI, the voting results for the three positions on the RIPE exec board were just announced and Elad was NOT elected.

No doubt we should thank the super illegal, criminal and anonymous Spamhaus cabal as well as the super shady and 
corrupt IPv6 lobby for manipulating this election from the shadows!

   Terrence Koeman, PhD/MTh/BPsy
     Darkness Reigns (Holding) B.V.

Please quote relevant replies.
Spelling errors courtesy of my 'smart'phone.
From: "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg () tristatelogic com>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2020 11:51
To: nanog () nanog org
Subject: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

Many of you here may be dues-paying members of both ARIN and RIPE. 

Those of you who are may wish to be aware of the fact that there will 
be an election held on (I believe) May 14th, just a day or two from 
now, for three open RIPE NCC Executive Board seats. 

I have it on good authority that one of the candidates running for 
the open RIPE NCC board seats in this election has hired legal 
counsel in South Africa, and that said legal counsel has then 
proceeded to threaten various officials of the City of Cape Town, 
South Africa with possible legal action if they do not relinquish 
to him their rights in and title to the block, a 
block that all historical records, including even ARIN "WhoWas" 
historical records show, clearly and unambiguously, has been 
legally registered to the City of Cape Town for over twenty years. 
(I am assured that at no time did the City of Cape Town ever sell, 
trade, or barter away their rights to this valuable IPv4 block, 
and that they are defending themselves, as best as they can, against 
this attempt to extort them out of their rightful prooperty.) 

Where I come from, this kind of thing is called barratry, but you 
be the judge. 

In any case, prior to the RIPE election, I wanted to let you all 
know these facts about the candidate in question, as well as a 
number of additional startling facts relating to the people who 
nominated this candidate for a RIPE NCC Executive board seat, as 
documented by my friend, South African journalist Jan Vermeulen:

I could go into more detail about many of the nominators mentioned 
in the above article, but I don't want to make this email too long, 
so I'll await some explict request for that additional info.  For now 
it should suffice to make at least some of the basic facts more widely 
available, a task which is accomplished just by sharing the above link, 


P.S.  I have been specifically and explicitly enjoined and constrained 
from posting here anything at all that might smack of being either 
partisan or of an even vaguely "political" nature, and thus, I will 
refrain from doing so.  I would be remiss hoever if I did not at least 
note in passing that history records that in times such as these, when 
people of good character and good intent are, as they rightly should be, 
focused on the health and safety of themselves, their loved ones, and 
their professional collegues, and when the gaze of the world is elsewhere, 
persons of less than honorable intent reach for power and, with unfortunate 
regularity, obtain it. 

I cannot and do not ask that those of you who have been saddled with 
personal or local crises during this sad time turn away from those 
responsibilities to give attention to matters of Internet governance, 
however urgent those may appear at the moment.  For all of us, our first- 
order duty lies nearby, with family, friends, and collegues.  But for 
those of you who still have a few cycles to spare, I do ask that you 
consider carefully the newfound and critical importance of this tool, 
this Internet, in the lives of so many millions, all around the world, 
and the self-evident risks of its governance being handed over, by default 
or otherwise, to persons with an interest only in what is best for them 
personally, to the exclusion of all else. 

P.P.S.  I would be posting this info and the above link also to the 
very relevant RIPE members-discuss mailing list, but as I am not a 
due-paying member of RIPE, I have no ability to do so.  Separately, 
due in no small part to the candidate's own recent and manifest on-list 
transgressions on that very list, that list has recently been switched 
to a heavy-handed moderation, under which, it seems, even discussion of 
the pros and cons of candidates in the upcoming RIPE NCC Executive Board 
election are now categorized as "too controversial" and thus, themselves, 
are now entirely off-limits. 

I cannot help but be reminded of a catch-phrase that I saw somewhere, 
not too long ago: 

                 "Democracy dies in darkness." 
                                  -- anon 

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