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NMAP 2.03 busted on linux?

From: Lamont Granquist <lamontg () raven genome washington edu>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:20:22 -0800

following runs are from fresh sources, untarred and then rebuilt.  i don't
think i'm doing anything wrong.  system is redhat 5.2 with 2.0.36, latest
RPMs AFAIK and with ipfwadm turned off.  the 2.01 prediction that it is
digital unix 4.0 is correct.

nmap/nmap-2.01 # ./nmap -sS -O foobar

Starting nmap V. 2.01 by Fyodor (fyodor () dhp com, www.insecure.org/nmap/)
Interesting ports on foobar (
Port    State       Protocol  Service
13      open        tcp        daytime         
21      open        tcp        ftp             
22      open        tcp        unknown         
23      open        tcp        telnet          
25      open        tcp        smtp            
79      open        tcp        finger          
111     open        tcp        sunrpc          
513     open        tcp        login           
514     open        tcp        shell           
515     open        tcp        printer         
869     open        tcp        unknown         
1024    open        tcp        unknown         
1025    open        tcp        listen          
1026    open        tcp        nterm           

TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
                         Difficulty=189 (Medium)
Remote operating system guess: Digital UNIX OSF1 V 4.0,4.0B,4.0D  

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2 seconds
nmap/nmap-2.01 # cd ..
security/nmap # cd nmap-2.03
nmap/nmap-2.03 # ./nmap -sS -O foobar

Starting nmap V. 2.03 by Fyodor (fyodor () dhp com, www.insecure.org/nmap/)
Interesting ports on foobar (
Port    State       Protocol  Service
13      open        tcp        daytime         
21      open        tcp        ftp             
22      open        tcp        unknown         
23      open        tcp        telnet          
25      open        tcp        smtp            
79      open        tcp        finger          
111     open        tcp        sunrpc          
513     open        tcp        login           
514     open        tcp        shell           
515     open        tcp        printer         
869     open        tcp        unknown         
1024    open        tcp        unknown         
1025    open        tcp        listen          
1026    open        tcp        nterm           

TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
                         Difficulty=150 (Medium)
No OS matches for host (see
TCP/IP fingerprint:

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6 seconds

Lamont Granquist                       lamontg () raven genome washington edu
Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology       (206)616-5735  fax: (206)685-7344
Box 352145 / University of Washington / Seattle, WA 98195
PGP pubkey: finger lamontg () raven genome washington edu | pgp -fka

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