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tcl script using nmap to verify services

From: Philip Ehrens <pehrens () ligo caltech edu>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 11:28:13 -0800

Hi All,

I was asked to write this as a sys-admin tool.  It is actually
an early version of the tool we are using, which is rather site
specific.  I thought somebody might find it educational or even


# This is a simple script which parses the output of
# the nmap program to determine whether required services
# are in fact running on a machine.  Output is written as
# an html formatted log file with a sensible default name.
# Two arguments are accepted:
#    service_check [ hostname ] [ polling interval ]
# where polling interval is given in seconds.
# Note that there is considerable time overhead when
# running nmap in "Polite mode, so times less than 100 sec
# may be significantly longer than they should be!

;## no checking is done for bad values.
if { [ llength $argv ] == 2 } {
   set host     [ lindex $argv 0 ]
   set interval [ lindex $argv 1 ]
   } else {
   set host $::env(HOST)
   set interval 10

;## if a single arg is given, if it is an integer, assume
;## it is an interval, else it is a hostname.
if { [ llength $argv ] == 1 } {
   if { [ regexp {^\d+$} [ lindex $argv 0 ] ] } {
      set interval [ lindex $argv 0 ]
      } else {
      set host     [ lindex $argv 0 ]

set log  [ file join ${host}_servicelog.html ]

array set services {
                    7      echo
                    9      discard
                    13     daytime
                    19     chargen
                    22     ssh
                    25     smtp
                    37     time
                    111    sunrpc
                    512    exec
                    514    shell
                    515    printer
                    540    uucp
                    6000   X11
                    6112   dtspc
                    7100   font-service
                    10000  LDAS-manager-operator-port

set ports [ join [ lsort -integer [ array names services ] ] , ]
set fid [ open $log a+ ]

proc run {} {
     set msg "<b>$::host</b> [ clock format [ clock seconds ] ]<br><ul>\n"
     set data [ exec nmap -T Polite -p $::ports $::host ]
     foreach port [ array names ::services ] {
        set name $::services($port)
        if { ! [ regexp "$port\[a-z \]+$name" $data ] } {
           append msg "<item><font color=red><b>$name</b></font> not running on $::host port $port<br>\n"
     puts $::fid "$msg<br></ul>\n"
     flush $::fid
     after [ expr { $::interval * 1000 } ] run
vwait enter-mainloop


Phil Ehrens <pehrens () ligo caltech edu>| Fun stuff:
The LIGO Laboratory, MS 18-34         | http://www.ralphmag.org
California Institute of Technology    | http://www.yellow5.com
1200 East California Blvd.            | ftp://ftp.no.pgpi.com/pub/pgp
Pasadena, CA 91125 USA                | http://slashdot.org
Phone:(626)395-8518 Fax:(626)793-9744 | http://freshmeat.net

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