Nmap Development mailing list archives

[NSE script] web application fingerprinting

From: Sven Klemm <sven () c3d2 de>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 22:08:06 +0200


I've updated my web application fingerprinting script to current nmap.
The script requires libxml2. You can checkout the code from

I've also attached patch which includes all required changes.

The output looks like this:

./nmap host -p 80 --script webapp

Starting Nmap 4.68 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2008-08-24 21:41 CEST
Interesting ports on host:
80/tcp open  http
|_ WebApp: WordPress 2.0.11

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.52 seconds

./nmap host -p443 --script webapp

Starting Nmap 4.68 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2008-08-24 21:42 CEST
Interesting ports on host:
443/tcp open  https
|_ WebApp: MediaWiki 1.13alpha (r31491)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.07 seconds


Sven Klemm

Index: scripts/webapp.nse
--- scripts/webapp.nse  (.../nmap)      (revision 0)
+++ scripts/webapp.nse  (.../nmap-exp/sven/nse_sedusa)  (revision 9708)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+-- Try to guess running webapp and their version.
 80/tcp open  http
 |_ WebApp: Trac 0.11dev-r6306
 80/tcp open  http
 |_ WebApp: MediaWiki 1.14alpha
 80/tcp open  http
 |_ WebApp: WordPress 2.0.11
+require "stdnse"
+require "shortport"
+require "sedusa"
+id = "WebApp"
+description = "Try to guess running webapp and their version."
+author = "Sven Klemm <sven () c3d2 de>"
+license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
+categories = {"intrusive","safe","discovery"}
+portrule = shortport.port_or_service({80,443},{'http', 'https', 'http-proxy'})
+action = function(host, port)
+  local scheme, hostname, app, exps, index, xpath, u, doc
+  local target = {}
+  if port.service == 'https' or port.version.service_tunnel == 'ssl' then
+    target.scheme = "https"
+    if port.number ~= 443 then target.port = port.number end
+  else
+    target.scheme = "http"
+    if port.number ~= 80 then target.port = port.number end
+  end
+  target.host = host.targetname or ( host.name and host.name ~= "" and host.name ) or host.ip
+  target.path = nmap.registry.args.webapp or "/"
+  u = url.build( target )
+  doc = sedusa.get_document( u )
+  for app, exps in pairs( sedusa.hints ) do
+    for index, xpath in pairs( exps ) do
+      if doc.xml:find( xpath ) then
+        if sedusa.verify[app] then
+          local version = sedusa.verify[app]( u )
+          if version then
+            return app .. " " .. version
+          else
+            return app
+          end
+        else
+          stdnse.print_debug( "No verify function for %s found.", app )
+          return app
+        end
+        break
+      end
+    end
+  end
Index: nselib-bin/xml.c
--- nselib-bin/xml.c    (.../nmap)      (revision 0)
+++ nselib-bin/xml.c    (.../nmap-exp/sven/nse_sedusa)  (revision 9708)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include "xml.h"
+#include <libxml/HTMLparser.h>
+#include <libxml/xpath.h>
+typedef struct XmlDocumentData {
+  xmlDocPtr document;
+} XmlDocumentData;
+// create a lua XmlDocument
+int create_document( lua_State * L, xmlDocPtr doc ) {
+  if ( doc ) {
+    // parsing successful
+    XmlDocumentData * doc_data;
+    doc_data = (XmlDocumentData *) lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof(XmlDocumentData));
+    // set metatable for userdata
+    luaL_getmetatable( L, "XmlDocument" );
+    lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
+    doc_data->document = doc;
+  } else  {
+    // parsing failed
+    luaL_error( L , "parsing document failed." );
+  }
+  return 1;
+// takes an html document as string and returns a XmlDocument
+int xml_parse_html( lua_State * L ) {
+  const char * doc_string = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
+  lua_pop(L, 1);
+  char * url = NULL;
+  char * encoding = NULL;
+  htmlDocPtr doc = htmlReadDoc( doc_string, url, encoding, options );
+  return create_document( L, doc );
+// takes an xml document as string and returns a XmlDocument
+int xml_parse_xml( lua_State * L ) {
+  const char * doc_string = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
+  lua_pop(L, 1);
+  char * url = NULL;
+  char * encoding = NULL;
+  xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadDoc( doc_string, url, encoding, options );
+  return create_document( L, doc );
+static const struct luaL_reg xml_methods[] = {
+  { "parse_html", xml_parse_html },
+  { "parse_xml", xml_parse_xml },
+  { NULL, NULL }
+// takes an xpath expression and return the match(es) as string(s)
+int xmldoc_find( lua_State * L ) {
+  XmlDocumentData * doc = (XmlDocumentData *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "XmlDocument");
+  const char * xpath = luaL_checkstring( L, 2 );
+  xmlXPathContextPtr context = xmlXPathNewContext( doc->document );
+  if ( !context ) luaL_error( L, "Error creating context." );
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath, context);
+  xmlXPathFreeContext(context);
+  if ( !result ) luaL_error( L, "Error while evaluating XPath expression." );
+  if( xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty( result->nodesetval ) ) {
+    // empty resultset
+    lua_pushnil( L );
+    xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList( result );
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    int i;
+    // we found something .. return first match as string
+    xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset = result->nodesetval;
+    char * tmp = xmlXPathCastNodeToString( nodeset->nodeTab[0] );
+    lua_pushstring( L, tmp );
+    free( tmp );
+    xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList( result );
+    return 1;
+  }
+// takes an xpath expression and return the match(es) as table containing the string(s)
+int xmldoc_find_all( lua_State * L ) {
+  XmlDocumentData * doc = (XmlDocumentData *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "XmlDocument");
+  const char * xpath = luaL_checkstring( L, 2 );
+  xmlXPathContextPtr context = xmlXPathNewContext( doc->document );
+  if ( !context ) luaL_error( L, "Error creating context." );
+  xmlXPathObjectPtr result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath, context);
+  xmlXPathFreeContext(context);
+  if ( !result ) luaL_error( L, "Error while evaluating XPath expression." );
+  lua_newtable( L );
+  if( xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty( result->nodesetval ) ) {
+    // empty resultset
+  } else {
+    int i;
+    // we found something
+    xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset = result->nodesetval;
+    for ( i = 0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++) {
+      lua_pushnumber( L, i + 1 );
+      char * tmp = xmlXPathCastNodeToString( nodeset->nodeTab[i] );
+      lua_pushstring( L, tmp );
+      free( tmp );
+      lua_rawset( L, -3 );
+    }
+  }
+  xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList( result );
+  return 1;
+int xmldoc_free( lua_State * L ) {
+  XmlDocumentData * doc = (XmlDocumentData *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "XmlDocument");
+  free( doc->document );
+  return 0;
+// XmlDocument methods
+static const struct luaL_reg xmldoc_methods[] = {
+  { "find", xmldoc_find },
+  { "find_all", xmldoc_find_all},
+  { "__gc", xmldoc_free },
+  { NULL, NULL }
+// initializer function, called when library is required
+int luaopen_xml( lua_State * L ) {
+  // create metatable
+  luaL_newmetatable( L, "XmlDocument" );
+  // metatable.__index = metatable
+  lua_pushvalue( L, -1 );
+  lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" );
+  // register methods
+  luaL_register( L, NULL, xmldoc_methods );
+  luaL_register( L, "xml", xml_methods );
+  return 1;
Index: nselib-bin/Makefile.in
--- nselib-bin/Makefile.in      (.../nmap)      (revision 9708)
+++ nselib-bin/Makefile.in      (.../nmap-exp/sven/nse_sedusa)  (revision 9708)
@@ -15,15 +15,20 @@
 LIBTOOL= ./libtool
 LTFLAGS = --tag=CC --silent
-all: bit.so
+all: bit.so xml.so
 bit.so: bit.c @LIBTOOL_DEPS@
        $(LIBTOOL) $(LTFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c bit.c
        $(LIBTOOL) $(LTFLAGS) --mode=link $(CC) -avoid-version -module -rpath $(nselib_bindir) $(LDFLAGS) -o bit.la 
bit.lo $(LIBS)
        mv .libs/bit.so bit.so
+xml.so: xml.c @LIBTOOL_DEPS@
+       $(LIBTOOL) $(LTFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -I/usr/include/libxml2 -c xml.c
+       $(LIBTOOL) $(LTFLAGS) --mode=link $(CC) -avoid-version -module -rpath $(nselib_bindir) $(LDFLAGS) -o xml.la 
xml.lo $(LIBS)
+       mv .libs/xml.so xml.so
-       rm -f bit.so *.la *.lo
+       rm -f bit.so xml.so *.la *.lo
        rm -rf .libs
 distclean: clean
Index: nselib-bin/xml.h
--- nselib-bin/xml.h    (.../nmap)      (revision 0)
+++ nselib-bin/xml.h    (.../nmap-exp/sven/nse_sedusa)  (revision 9708)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef XMLLIB
+#define XMLLIB
+#define XMLLIBNAME "xml"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lua.h"
+LUALIB_API int luaopen_xml(lua_State *L);
Index: nselib/http.lua
--- nselib/http.lua     (.../nmap)      (revision 9708)
+++ nselib/http.lua     (.../nmap-exp/sven/nse_sedusa)  (revision 9708)
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
 -- @param url The url of the host.
 -- @param options Options passed to http.get.
 -- @see http.get
-get_url = function(url, options )
-  local parsed = url.parse( url )
+get_url = function( u, options )
+  local parsed = url.parse( u )
   local port = {}
   port.service = parsed.scheme
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
     return result
-  local buffer = stdnse.make_buffer( socket, "\r?\n" )
+  local buffer = stdnse.make_buffer( socket, "\r\n" )
   local line, _
   local header, body = {}, {}
@@ -184,15 +184,32 @@
-  -- body loop
-  while true do
-    line = buffer()
-    if not line then break end
-    table.insert(body,line)
+  -- handle body
+  if result.header['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked' then
+    -- if the server used chunked encoding we have to 'dechunk' the answer
+    local counter, chunk_size
+    counter = 0; chunk_size = 0
+    while true do
+      if counter >= chunk_size then
+        counter = 0
+        chunk_size = tonumber( buffer(), 16 )
+        if chunk_size == 0 or not chunk_size then break end
+      end
+      line = buffer()
+      if not line then break end
+      counter = counter + #line + 2
+      table.insert(body,line)
+    end
+  else
+    while true do
+      line = buffer()
+      if not line then break end
+      table.insert(body,line)
+    end
-  result.body = table.concat( body, "\n" )
+  result.body = table.concat( body, "\r\n" )
   return result
Index: nselib/sedusa.lua
--- nselib/sedusa.lua   (.../nmap)      (revision 0)
+++ nselib/sedusa.lua   (.../nmap-exp/sven/nse_sedusa)  (revision 9708)
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+--@author Sven Klemm <sven () c3d2 de>
+module(... or "sedusa", package.seeall)
+require 'stdnse'
+require 'http'
+require 'xml'
+hints = {}
+verify = {}
+document_cache = {}
+Document = {
+  new = function( doc )
+    doc.xml = nil
+    if string.len( doc.body ) > 0 then
+      doc.xml = xml.parse_html( doc.body )
+    end
+    return doc
+  end
+http_get = function( u )
+  stdnse.print_debug( 2, "Fetching %s", u )
+  local document = http.get_url( u )
+  return Document.new( document )
+get_document = function( url )
+  local document
+  if not document_cache[ url ] then
+    document = http_get( url )
+    document_cache[ url ] = document
+  else
+    document = document_cache[ url ]
+  end
+  if document.status == 301 or
+     document.status == 302
+   then
+    -- take care of relative redirects
+    if not document.header.location:match('https?://') then
+      local base = url:match('^(.*/)[^/]*$')
+      document.header.location = base .. document.header.location
+    end
+    document = get_document( document.header.location )
+  end
+  return document
+-- setup default detector for some web applications
+for key, app in pairs( {'b2evolution', 'bBlog', 'C3D2-Web', 'DokuWiki', 'gitweb', 'Midgard', 'Nucleus CMS', 
'Pentabarf', 'PhpWiki', 'Plone', 'PostNuke', 'TYPO3', 'vBulletin'} ) do
+  hints[app] = { '//meta[@name="generator" and starts-with(@content,"' .. app .. '")]' }
+  verify[app] = function( url )
+    local document = get_document( url )
+    -- look in generator meta tag
+    local generator = document.xml:find( '//meta[@name="generator"]/@content' )
+    if generator and string.match( generator, app .. " (.*)" ) then
+      return string.match( generator, app .. " (.*)" )
+    end
+  end
+hints['Bugzilla'] = {
+  '//div[@id="banner"]/p[@id="banner-version"]/a[@href="http://www.bugzilla.org/"]/span[text()="Bugzilla"]',
+  '//div[@id="header"]/table/tr/td[@id="title"]/p[starts-with(text(),"Bugzilla")]',
+verify['Bugzilla'] = function( u )
+  local doc = get_document( u )
+  local version = doc.xml:find( '//div[@id="banner"]/p[@id="banner-version" and 
a[@href="http://www.bugzilla.org/"]/span[text()="Bugzilla"]]/span[starts-with(text(),"Version ")]/text()' )
+  if version then
+    return version:match('Version (.*)')
+  end
+  version = doc.xml:find( '//div[@id="header"]/table/tr/td[@id="information"]/p[@class="header_addl_info"]/text()' )
+  if version then
+    return version:match('version (.*)')
+  end
+hints['Burning Board'] = {
+  '//span[@class="smallfont" and text()="Powered by "]/b[starts-with(text(),"WoltLab Burning Board")]',
+  '//span[@class="smallfont"]/a[@href="http://www.woltlab.de"]/b[contains(text(),"Burning Board")]',
+verify['Burning Board'] = function( u )
+  local doc = get_document( u )
+  local version = doc.xml:find( hints['Burning Board'][1] )
+  if not version then version = doc.xml:find( hints['Burning Board'][2] ) end
+  if version then
+    return version:match('Burning Board (.*)')
+  end
+hints['CommunityServer'] = {
+  '//meta[@name="GENERATOR" and starts-with(@content, "CommunityServer")]/@content',
+  '//a[@href="http://communityserver.org/r.ashx?1"; and @target="_blank"]/img[starts-with(@alt,"Powered by 
+verify['CommunityServer'] = function( u )
+  local doc = get_document( u )
+  local version = doc.xml:find( hints['CommunityServer'][1] )
+  if version then
+    return version:match("^CommunityServer (.*)$")
+  end
+hints['Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator'] = {
+  '//title[starts-with(@text,"Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN 3000 Concentrator [")]',
+  '//form/table/tr/td[@align="right" and @colspan="2" and text()="VPN 3000 Concentrator"]',
+hints['Drupal'] = {
+  '//div[@id="block-user-0" and h2[text()="User 
login"]]/div[@class="content"]/form[@id="user-login-form"]/div[div[@class="form-item"]/input[@type="text" and 
@class="form-text required"]]',
+  '//p[@class="foot2"]/a[@href="http://drupal.org"]/img[contains(@title,"Powered by Drupal")]',
+hints['Flyspray'] = {
+  '//p[@id="footer"]/a[@href="http://flyspray.org/"; and @class="offsite" and starts-with(text(),"Powered by 
+  '//p[@id="footer"]/a[@href="http://flyspray.rocks.cc/"; and @class="offsite" and starts-with(text(),"Powered by 
+verify['Flyspray'] = function( u )
+  local doc = get_document( u )
+  local foot = doc.xml:find( hints['Flyspray'][1] )
+  if foot then return foot:match('Powered by Flyspray (.*)') end
+hints['Joomla!'] = {
+  '//meta[@name="Generator" and starts-with(@content,"Joomla!")]'
+hints['GForge'] = {
+  '//a[@href="http://gforge.org"]/img[@alt="Powered by GForge"]',
+hints['MediaWiki'] = {
+  '//body[contains(@class, "mediawiki")]',
+  '//div[@id="footer"]/div[@id="f-poweredbyico"]/a[@href="http://www.mediawiki.org/"]/img&apos;,
+  '//head/script[@type="text/javascript" and contains(@text,"var wgVersion")]'
+verify['MediaWiki'] = function( u )
+  local document = get_document( u )
+  -- find out location of index.php
+  local link = document.xml:find( '//a[contains(@href,"index.php?title=") and starts-with(@href, "/")]/@href' )
+  if link then
+    link = link:match( "^(.*/index.php[?]title=).*")
+  else
+    link = document.xml:find( '//script[@type="text/javascript" and contains(text(), "var wgScriptPath = ")]' )
+    link = link:gsub( "[\r\n]", "" )
+    if link then
+      link = link:match( 'var wgScriptPath = "([^"]+)"') .. '/index.php?title='
+    end
+  end
+  -- Special:Version has the most exact version including svn revision
+  local version = get_document( url.absolute( u, link .. "Special:Version" ) )
+  if version.xml:find('//div/ul/li[a[@href="http://www.mediawiki.org/"; and text()="MediaWiki"]]') then
+    return string.match( version.xml:find('//div/ul/li[a[@href="http://www.mediawiki.org/"; and text()="MediaWiki"]]'), 
"MediaWiki: ([^\r\n]+)" )
+  end
+  if version.xml:find('//table[@id="sv-software"]/tr[td[a[@href="http://www.mediawiki.org/"; and 
text()="MediaWiki"]]]') then
+    return version.xml:find('//table[@id="sv-software"]/tr[td[a[@href="http://www.mediawiki.org/"; and 
+  end
+  -- the version without revision is included on every page as javascript variable on recent versions
+  local js = document.xml:find('//script[@type="text/javascript" and contains(text(), "var wgVersion = ")]')
+  if js then
+    js = js:gsub( "[\r\n]", "" )
+    return js:match( 'var wgVersion = "([^"]+)"')
+  end
+  -- get version from atom feed
+  local atom = get_document( url.absolute( u, link .. "Special:Recentchanges&feed=atom" ) )
+  if atom.xml:find( '//generator[starts-with(text(), "MediaWiki")]' ) then
+    return string.match( atom.xml:find( '//generator/text()' ), "^MediaWiki (.*)$" )
+  end
+hints['OpenWRT'] = {
+  '//head/title[text()="OpenWrt Administrative Console"]'
+verify['OpenWRT'] = function( u )
+  local document = get_document( u )
+  local webif = document.xml:find( '//head/meta[@http-equiv="refresh"]/@content' )
+  if webif and webif:match('0; URL=') then
+    document = get_document( url.absolute( u, webif:match( '0; URL=(.*)' )) )
+    local version = document.xml:find( 
'//div[@id="header"]/div[@id="header-title"]/div[@id="short-status"]/ul/li[strong[text()="Version:"]]/text()' )
+    if version then
+      return version:match( ' +(.*)' )
+    end
+  end
+hints['PHP-Nuke'] = {
+  '//meta[@name="GENERATOR" and starts-with(@content,"PHP-Nuke")]'
+hints['phpMyAdmin'] = {
+  '//title[starts-with(text(), "phpMyAdmin")]',
+  '//link[@rel="stylesheet" and  @type="text/css" and contains(@href,"css/phpmyadmin.css.php")]',
+  '//a[@href="http://www.phpmyadmin.net"; and @class="logo" and @target="_blank"]/img[@alt="phpMyAdmin"]'
+verify['phpMyAdmin'] = function( url )
+  local document = get_document( url )
+  local title = document.xml:find( '//title[starts-with(text(), "phpMyAdmin")]/text()' )
+  local version = title:match('^phpMyAdmin (.*)$')
+  if version then
+    return version
+  end
+hints['phpSysInfo'] = {
+  '//a[@href="http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net"; and @target="_blank" and starts-with(text(),"phpSysInfo")]'
+verify['phpSysInfo'] = function( url )
+  local document = get_document( url )
+  local version = document.xml:find( '//a[@href="http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net"; and @target="_blank" and 
starts-with(text(),"phpSysInfo")]/text()' )
+  version = version:match('^phpSysInfo[-](.*)$')
+  if version then
+    return version
+  end
+verify['PhpWiki'] = function( url )
+  local document = get_document( url )
+  local generator = document.xml:find( '//meta[@name="PHPWIKI_VERSION"]/@content' )
+  if generator then return generator end
+verify['Plone'] = function( u )
+  local document = get_document( u )
+  -- look in header
+  if document.header.server then
+    local version = document.header.server:match( 'Plone/(%d.%d.%d)' )
+    if version then return version end
+  end
+hints['Serendipity'] = {
+  '//meta[@name="Powered-By" and starts-with(@content, "Serendipity")]',
+  '//div[@id="serendipity_banner"]',
+  '//div[@class="serendipity_entry_body"]',
+  '//div[@class="serendipity_entryFooter"]',
+verify['Serendipity'] = function( u )
+  local document = get_document( u )
+  local generator = document.xml:find( '//meta[@name="Powered-By"]/@content' )
+  if generator and string.match( generator, 'Serendipity v[.](.*)' ) then
+    return string.match( generator, 'Serendipity v[.](.*)' )
+  end
+  local rss_url = document.xml:find( '//link[@rel="alternate" and @type="application/rss+xml"]/@href' )
+  if rss_url then
+    document = get_document( url.absolute( u, rss_url ) )
+    generator = document.xml:find( '//generator')
+    if generator and string.match( generator, 'Serendipity [0-9.]+' ) then
+      return string.match( generator, 'Serendipity ([0-9.]+)' )
+    end
+  end
+hints['SMF'] = {
+  '//span[@class="smalltext"]/a[@href="http://www.simplemachines.org/"; and contains(text(),"Powered by SMF")]',
+verify['SMF'] = function(u)
+  local doc = get_document( u )
+  local foot = doc.xml:find( hints['SMF'][1] )
+  if foot then
+    return foot:match('Powered by SMF (.*)')
+  end
+hints['Trac'] = {
+  '//div[@id="footer"]/a[@id="tracpowered" and @href="http://trac.edgewall.org/"]/img[@alt="Trac Powered"]',
+verify['Trac'] = function( u )
+  local document = get_document( u )
+  local version = document.xml:find( '//div[@id="footer" and a[@id="tracpowered" and 
@href="http://trac.edgewall.org/"]]/p[@class="left"]/a/strong/text()' )
+  if version and version:match( 'Trac (.*)' ) then
+    return version:match( 'Trac (.*)' )
+  end
+hints['WordPress'] = {
+  '//meta[@name="generator" and starts-with(@content,"WordPress")]',
+  '//head/link[@rel="stylesheet" and @type="text/css" and contains( @href, "/wp-content/")]',
+  '//head/style[contains( text(), "/wp-content/")]',
+  '//div[@id="content"]/div[@class="post" and starts-with(@id, "post-") and div[@class="posttitle"] and 
div[@class="postmeta"] and div[@class="postbody"] and div[@class="postfooter"]]',
+  '//ul/li/a[@href="http://wordpress.org/"; and starts-with(@title,"Powered by WordPress")]',
+verify['WordPress'] = function( u )
+  local document = get_document( u )
+  -- look in generator meta tag
+  local generator = document.xml:find( '//meta[@name="generator"]/@content' )
+  if generator and string.match( generator, "WordPress (.*)" ) then
+    return string.match( generator, "WordPress (.*)" )
+  end
+  -- look in atom feed
+  local atom = document.xml:find( '//link[@rel="alternate" and @type="application/atom+xml"]/@href' )
+  local feed = get_document( atom )
+  if feed.xml:find( '//generator[text()="WordPress"]/@version' ) then
+    return feed.xml:find( '//generator[text()="WordPress"]/@version' )
+  end

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