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Re: [Lua snippit] print_hex

From: "Patrick Donnelly" <batrick.donnelly () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 18:49:26 -0600

On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Ron <ron () skullsecurity net> wrote:
You version seems to have an off-by-one error that cuts off the last hex
byte. I added a +1/-1 to compensate.

Good catch!

Maybe now this is perfect? :)

That looks fine. I put the "out" local out of the function definition
to prevent the string from repeatedly being remade (numbers are
constant folded but not strings). I did this mainly to expose people
on the list to some good practices (among other things I did), even
though it probably won't make a huge difference in a debugging
function. If you moved it inside because you didn't want to clutter
the surrounding function (the file) with variables, you can surround
the print_hex function with do ... end to force scoping. e.g.:

  local out = "..."
  function print_hex(str)

-- Print out a string in hex, for debugging.
function print_hex(str)

   local out = "%08x"..(" %02x"):rep(16).."   ";
   local len, a = #str, 1;
       if a + 16 > len then -- partial line?


          -- 00000000 AB CD EF GH JK
          ("%08x"..(" %02x"):rep(len-a+1)..("   "):rep(17+a-len-1)):format(
              a-1, str:byte(a, a+16)),

          --                                          abcdefg\n
          str:sub(a, a+16):gsub("%c", "."), "\n");

       else -- full line


          -- 00000000 AB CD EF GH JK LM NO PQ
          out:format(a-1, str:byte(a, a+16)),

          --                                    abcdefgh\n
          str:sub(a, a+16):gsub("%c", "."), "\n");


       a = a + 16;

   until a > len;

   -- Print out the length
   io.write(("         Length: %d [0x%x]\n"):format(len, len))



-Patrick Donnelly

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing
to do and always a clever thing to say."

-Will Durant

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