Nmap Development mailing list archives

Pushed in my changes

From: Ron <ron () skullsecurity net>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:17:29 -0600

Nobody had any issues with smb-enum-groups or my updated output, so I committed the changes into the main trunk. This'll be the last of my changes for a little while, since I'm sort of out of ideas. I didn't want to leave stuff sitting my branch, though.

I added smb-enum-groups.nse to the CHANGELOG, but not the updated output (I didn't want to mess with it too much while Fyodor was updating it).

As for the updated output, I went with Fyodor's suggestion of delimiting it with spaces. I attached the output of a full smb-* scan against a Windows 2000 machine for your comments.


Starting Nmap 5.05BETA2 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2009-11-20 10:16 CST
--------------- Timing report ---------------
  hostgroups: min 1, max 100000
  rtt-timeouts: init 1000, min 100, max 10000
  max-scan-delay: TCP 1000, UDP 1000, SCTP 1000
  parallelism: min 0, max 0
  max-retries: 10, host-timeout: 0
  min-rate: 0, max-rate: 0
NSE: Loaded 13 scripts for scanning.
Initiating Ping Scan at 10:16
Scanning [2 ports]
Completed Ping Scan at 10:16, 1.11s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Overall sending rates: 2.71 packets / s.
mass_rdns: Using DNS server
mass_rdns: Using DNS server
Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 10:16
mass_rdns: 0.02s 0/1 [#: 2, OK: 0, NX: 0, DR: 0, SF: 0, TR: 1]
Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 10:16, 0.02s elapsed
DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.02s. Mode: Async [#: 2, OK: 0, NX: 1, DR: 0, SF: 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
Initiating Connect Scan at 10:16
Scanning [1 port]
Discovered open port 445/tcp on
Completed Connect Scan at 10:16, 0.01s elapsed (1 total ports)
Overall sending rates: 149.08 packets / s.
NSE: Script scanning
NSE: Starting runlevel 0.5 scan
Initiating NSE at 10:16
NSE: NSE Script Threads (1) running:
NSE: Starting smb-brute against
NSE: SMB: Added account '' to account list
NSE: SMB: Added account 'guest' to account list
NSE: smb-brute: Remote operating system: Windows 5.0
NSE: smb-brute: Trying to get user list from server
NSE: smb-brute: Opening password list
NSE: smb-brute: Starting the initial SMB session
NSE: smb-brute: Server's response to invalid usernames: GUEST_ACCESS
NSE: smb-brute: Server's response to invalid passwords: FAIL
NSE: smb-brute: Invalid username and password response are different, so identifying valid accounts is possible
NSE: smb-brute: Restarting the session before the bruteforce
NSE: smb-brute: Checking which account names exist (based on what goes to the 'guest' account)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'administrator' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: SMB: Checking if guest is an administrator
NSE: SMB: No login type specified, using default (NTLM)
NSE: SMB; is_admin: Couldn't get server stats (may be normal): NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED 
(srvsvc.netservergetstatistics) [guest]
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'iusr_ron-win2k-test' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'iwam_ron-win2k-test' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'nmap' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'rontest123' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'sshd' -> 'GUEST_ACCESS' (invalid account)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'svccopssh' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'test1234' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'testing' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: smb-brute: Blank password for 'tsinternetuser' => 'FAIL' (probably valid)
NSE: Finished smb-brute against
Completed NSE at 10:16, 5.20s elapsed
NSE: Starting runlevel 1 scan
Initiating NSE at 10:16
NSE: NSE Script Threads (11) running:
NSE: Starting smb-system-info against
NSE: Starting smb-server-stats against
NSE: Starting smb-security-mode against
NSE: Starting smb-psexec against
NSE: Starting smb-os-discovery against
NSE: Starting smb-enum-users against
NSE: Starting smb-enum-shares against
NSE: Starting smb-enum-sessions against
NSE: Starting smb-enum-processes against
NSE: Starting smb-enum-groups against
NSE: Starting smb-enum-domains against
NSE: smb-psexec: Attempting to find file: default
NSE: smb-psexec: Attempting to load config file: ./nselib/data/psexec/default.lua
NSE: SMB: Attempting to log into the system to enumerate shares
NSE: SMB: Attempting to log into the system to enumerate shares
NSE: MSRPC: Attempting to enumerate groups on
NSE: SMB: Found 3 shares, will attempt to find more information
NSE: SMB: Getting information for share: ADMIN$
NSE: SMB: Found 3 shares, will attempt to find more information
NSE: SMB: Getting information for share: ADMIN$
NSE: Finished smb-os-discovery against
NSE: Finished smb-security-mode against
NSE: Finished smb-enum-domains against
NSE: Finished smb-server-stats against
NSE: Finished smb-system-info against
NSE: MSRPC: Found 0 groups in RON-WIN2K-TEST
NSE: MSRPC: Found 6 groups in Builtin
NSE: MSRPC: Adding group 'Administrators' (RID: 544) with 4 members
NSE: MSRPC: Adding group 'Backup Operators' (RID: 551) with 0 members
NSE: MSRPC: Adding group 'Guests' (RID: 546) with 4 members
NSE: MSRPC: Adding group 'Power Users' (RID: 547) with 0 members
NSE: MSRPC: Adding group 'Replicator' (RID: 552) with 0 members
NSE: MSRPC: Adding group 'Users' (RID: 545) with 8 members
NSE: Finished smb-enum-processes against
NSE: SMB: Trying a random share to see if server responds properly: nmap-share-test
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be read by the current user
NSE: SMB: Trying a random share to see if server responds properly: nmap-share-test
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be read by the current user
NSE: Finished smb-enum-users against
NSE: Finished smb-enum-groups against
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be read by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be read by the anonymous user
NSE: Finished smb-enum-sessions against
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be written by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be written by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be written by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share ADMIN$ can be written by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Failed to get share info for ADMIN$: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo)
NSE: SMB: Getting information for share: C$
NSE: SMB: Failed to get share info for ADMIN$: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo)
NSE: SMB: Getting information for share: C$
NSE: SMB: Trying a random share to see if server responds properly: nmap-share-test
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be read by the current user
NSE: SMB: Trying a random share to see if server responds properly: nmap-share-test
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be read by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be read by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be read by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be written by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be written by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be written by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share C$ can be written by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Failed to get share info for C$: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo)
NSE: SMB: Getting information for share: IPC$
NSE: SMB: Failed to get share info for C$: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo)
NSE: SMB: Getting information for share: IPC$
NSE: SMB: Trying a random share to see if server responds properly: nmap-share-test
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be read by the current user
NSE: SMB: Trying a random share to see if server responds properly: nmap-share-test
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be read by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be read by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be read by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be written by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be written by the current user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be written by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Checking if share IPC$ can be written by the anonymous user
NSE: SMB: Failed to get share info for IPC$: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo)
NSE: smb-psexec against threw an error!
./scripts/smb-psexec.nse:697: variable 'share' is not declared
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        ./nselib/strict.lua:68: in function <./nselib/strict.lua:59>
        ./scripts/smb-psexec.nse:697: in function 'get_config'
        ./scripts/smb-psexec.nse:1285: in function <./scripts/smb-psexec.nse:1273>
        (tail call): ?

NSE: SMB: Failed to get share info for IPC$: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo)
NSE: Finished smb-enum-shares against
Completed NSE at 10:16, 1.75s elapsed
NSE: Starting runlevel 2 scan
Initiating NSE at 10:16
NSE: NSE Script Threads (1) running:
NSE: Starting smb-check-vulns against
NSE: Finished smb-check-vulns against
Completed NSE at 10:16, 0.08s elapsed
NSE: Script Scanning completed.
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received syn-ack (0.0025s latency).
Scanned at 2009-11-20 10:16:03 CST for 8s
445/tcp open  microsoft-ds syn-ack

Host script results:
|_ smb-brute: guest:<blank> => Login was successful
|  smb-os-discovery:  
|   OS: Windows 2000 (Windows 2000 LAN Manager)
|_  System time: 2009-11-20 10:15:21 UTC-6
|  smb-security-mode:  
|   Account that was used for smb scripts: guest
|   User-level authentication
|   SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported
|_  Message signing disabled (dangerous, but default)
|  smb-enum-domains:  
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST (S-1-5-21-1229272821-1409082233-725345543)
|    Groups: n/a
|    Users: Administrator, Guest, IUSR_RON-WIN2K-TEST, IWAM_RON-WIN2K-TEST, nmap, rontest123, sshd, SvcCOPSSH, 
test1234, Testing, TsInternetUser
|    Creation time: 2008-10-10 05:42:45
|    Passwords: min length: 8 characters; min age: 4 days; max age: 40 days; history: 10 passwords
|    Account lockout disabled
|   Builtin (S-1-5-32)
|    Groups: Administrators, Backup Operators, Guests, Power Users, Replicator, Users
|    Users: n/a
|    Creation time: 2008-10-10 05:42:45
|    Passwords: min length: n/a; min age: n/a; max age: 42 days; history: n/a
|_   Account lockout disabled
|_ smb-server-stats: 
|_ smb-enum-processes: ERROR: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (winreg.openhkpd)
|  smb-enum-users:  
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\Administrator (RID: 500)
|    Description: Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
|    Flags:       Password does not expire, Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\Guest (RID: 501)
|    Description: Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain
|    Flags:       Password not required, Password does not expire, Normal user account
|    Full name:   Internet Guest Account
|    Description: Built-in account for anonymous access to Internet Information Services
|    Flags:       Password not required, Password does not expire, Normal user account
|    Full name:   Launch IIS Process Account
|    Description: Built-in account for Internet Information Services to start out of process applications
|    Flags:       Password not required, Password does not expire, Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\nmap (RID: 1011)
|    Flags:       Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\rontest123 (RID: 1013)
|    Flags:       Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\sshd (RID: 1010)
|    Full name:   sshd privsep
|    Flags:       Account disabled, Normal user account
|    Description: copSSH service account
|    Flags:       Password does not expire, Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\test1234 (RID: 1005)
|    Flags:       Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\Testing (RID: 1006)
|    Full name:   Testing
|    Flags:       Password does not expire, Normal user account
|   RON-WIN2K-TEST\TsInternetUser (RID: 1000)
|    Full name:   TsInternetUser
|    Description: This user account is used by Terminal Services.
|_   Flags:       Password not required, Password does not expire, Normal user account
|  smb-enum-groups:  
|   Builtin\Administrators (RID: 544): Administrator, SvcCOPSSH, test1234, Testing
|   Builtin\Guests (RID: 546): Guest, TsInternetUser, IUSR_RON-WIN2K-TEST, IWAM_RON-WIN2K-TEST
|   Builtin\Replicator (RID: 552): <empty>
|   Builtin\Power Users (RID: 547): <empty>
|   Builtin\Users (RID: 545): test1234, Testing, sshd, nmap, rontest123
|_  Builtin\Backup Operators (RID: 551): <empty>
|  smb-enum-sessions:  
|   Users logged in
|    RON-WIN2K-TEST\Administrator since <unknown>
|   Active SMB sessions
|_   GUEST is connected from for [just logged in, it's probably you], idle for [not idle]
|  smb-enum-shares:  
|   ADMIN$ (WARNING: Couldn't get details for share: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo))
|    Anonymous access: <none>
|    Current user ('guest') access: <none>
|   C$ (WARNING: Couldn't get details for share: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo))
|    Anonymous access: <none>
|    Current user ('guest') access: <none>
|   IPC$ (WARNING: Couldn't get details for share: NT_STATUS_WERR_ACCESS_DENIED (srvsvc.netsharegetinfo))
|    Anonymous access: READ <not a file share>
|_   Current user ('guest') access: READ <not a file share>
|  smb-check-vulns:  
|   Conficker: Likely CLEAN
|   regsvc DoS: CHECK DISABLED (add '--script-args=unsafe=1' to run)
|_  SMBv2 DoS (CVE-2009-3103): CHECK DISABLED (add '--script-args=unsafe=1' to run)
Final times for host: srtt: 2534 rttvar: 3067  to: 100000

Read from .: nmap-services.
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.44 seconds
Sent through the nmap-dev mailing list
Archived at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/

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