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Problem with http-virustotal.nse and shortport.lua

From: Jost Krieger <Jost.Krieger+nmap () rub de>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 15:08:26 +0200

Some time ago, http-virustotal.nse stopped working for me (I use this

My analysis showed the following fixed it for me, but I'm not sure if
that has other implications.

Index: nselib/shortport.lua
--- nselib/shortport.lua        (revision 32850)
+++ nselib/shortport.lua        (working copy)
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 -- @usage
 -- portrule = shortport.ssl
 function ssl(host, port)
-  return port.version.service_tunnel == "ssl" or
+  return port.version and port.version.service_tunnel == "ssl" or
     port_or_service(LIKELY_SSL_PORTS, LIKELY_SSL_SERVICES, {"tcp", "sctp"})(host, port)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jost Krieger
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| Postmaster, JAPH, manchmal Wahrsager               am RZ der RUB |
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