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Re: Jiayi's Status Report - #17 of 17

From: Paulino Calderon <paulino () calderonpale com>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2015 09:13:12 -0500


Thanks for the detailed feedback Daniel. I appreciate it and will look into

Regarding interactive mode, while I agree is not standard to read from
stdin I find it very useful for those cases when the product name and
version are not determined correctly. It allows you to enter a custom
lookup string. Maybe we could also incorporate an option to even skip the
check if the version is too generic and avoid returning a lot of false
positives. I didn't find issues with nmap interactive mode but I could have
overlooked this in my testing.

I'll go over this again and submit a new version that address all this.

El 15/9/2015 11:55, "Daniel Miller" <bonsaiviking () gmail com> escribió:

Jiayi, Paulino,

I took some time today to look at the vulscan script and here is my
detailed feedback:

1. The update feature should be accomplished in the script prescanning
phase by using a prerule. As I read it, if a user were to use --script-args
vulscan.updatedb along with a network range like, the update
functions would be called for every host in the range. You can look at
scripts like nfs-ls and ssh-hostkey to see examples of running a script in
multiple phases.

2. We should use a unique user agent string for the update features so
that the owners of those databases can distinguish this update traffic. I'd
suggest something like "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine
vulscan.nse; https://nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/vulscan.html)"

3. Output needs work: We shouldn't be building strings with repeated
concatenation (e.g. loops over s = s .. "something"). This is
resource-intensive. Instead, use strbuf [1] or just a table and
table.concat(). I would prefer to see the output table structured in such a
way as to produce useful text output by automatic processing (using
__tostring metamethods as needed) but I think that's not absolutely

4. The report_parsing function could be done much simpler with either the
table or the function versions of string.gsub [2]. Realize that every call
to string.gsub requires the string to be searched again from the beginning.
Also, the \n and \t substitutions could be done just once at the beginning
of execution, since they don't depend on the finding itself.

5. The "interactive mode" doesn't fit with Nmap's usual mode of operation.
It is a significant enough change that I think it deserves its own
discussion before being added: no other script is allowed to read directly
from stdin like that. How does it even work with Nmap grabbing terminal
input for runtime interaction?

6. I don't understand the "versiondetection" argument. Can we expand the
documentation on that?

7. Watch for string concatenation badness throughout. I spotted more x = x
.. "y" in the update_cve and other update functions.


[1] https://nmap.org/nsedoc/lib/strbuf.html
[2] http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-string.gsub

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 9:24 PM, Paulino Calderon <
paulino () calderonpale com> wrote:


I've been using the vulscan script these past weeks and  there are a
couple of additional checks that I added to my working copy but I think it
is ready for inclusion after updating the installation instructions.

I'll keep working with jiayi to include everything that is stable this

El 14/9/2015 15:28, "Fyodor" <fyodor () nmap org> escribió:

On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Jiayi Ye <yejiayily () gmail com> wrote:

It was great to take part in GSoC. It was a fun summer.

Thanks Jiayi.  We all enjoyed working with you too!

 Here are what I accomplished and what I will do next.

This is a great summary and helps us in trying to make sure that as much
as possible can be integrated into the Nmap trunk where it can benefit
millions of Nmap users.  Regarding that:

 *  Tor-consensus-check (NEW): This script works by using

I think this one is already all integrated!

smtp-vuln-cve2015-0235 (NEW): This script checks for and/or exploits a heap-based buffer overflow in the GNU C 
Library's gethostbyname functions on x86 and x86_64 GNU/Linux systems (CVE-2015-0235) that run the Exim mail 
server. I finished the detection part to report vuln CVE 2015-0235 in Exim mail server, besides, I wrote the part 
of information leak, but I failed to perform successful exploitation in my vulnerability environment.

How about removing the (not fully working) exploitation part and then
checking in just the version of the script which does the vuln check?  And
then you could integrate the rest if and when it's working?

vulscan (UPDATE): This script attempts to discover vulnerabilities by matching information from the version 
detection engine with databases such as CVE, ExploitDB and Scipvuldb. I updated the script in the following 

I haven't looked at this one real closely yet.

http-vuln-cve2015-1635 (UPDATE): This script checks for a remote code execution vulnerability (MS15-034) in 
Microsoft Windows systems (CVE2015-2015-1635). And I updated http-vuln-cve2015-1635 to perform reliable 
information disclosure by trying different byte ranges.

Great.  If you and Paulino agree that this is ready to check in, please
do so.

 *  smb-check-vulns.nse (UPDATE): I split the script into six scripts (
https://github.com/nmap/nmap/issues/171) and ported these

 vulnerability scripts to the vulns library. Besides, I set vulnerability environment for each of them and tested 
the splitted scripts in different vuln environment.

Nice!  Dan was telling me how valuable he thought this sort of
reorganization would be.  I think he's going to take a look at it and
provide feedback.


* I spent a amount of time on implementing functionality related to SMB2 protocol. At first I wrote a sperated lib 
named smb2.lua. Then I combined smb2.lua with current smb.lua.

This may actually turn out to be the most valuable of all your
contributions this summer.  Neither Dan nor I have very much SMB2
expertise, but Dan said he'd at least take a look soon.  It's of course
encouraging that you've tested it on both Windows and Samba SMB servers.

This is a lot of good stuff and I just want to make sure that as much as
possible can make that final but crucial Nmap integration step.


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