oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: CVE Request: pycrypto

From: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () linus mitre org>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 11:07:29 -0500 (EST)

A specific version wasn't listed and the new maintainer hasn't released
any new versions, so I'm assuming the last version under the previous
maintainer, which seems to be 2.0.1.

Pinguar, sorry for the delay.

- Steve

Name: CVE-2009-0544
Status: Candidate
URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-0544
Reference: MLIST:[oss-security] 20090207 CVE Request: pycrypto
Reference: URL:http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2009/02/07/1
Reference: XF:pycrypto-arc2module-bo(48617)
Reference: URL:http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/48617

Buffer overflow in the PyCrypto ARC2 module 2.0.1 allows remote
attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary
code via a large ARC2 key length.

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