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Update of upstream patch links for AST-2012-007 / CVE-2012-2947 advisory needed

From: Jan Lieskovsky <jlieskov () redhat com>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 11:58:52 +0200

Hello Richard,

  this is due the links to patches, as being listed in AST-2012-007 advisory:
  [1] http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-007.html

They are obviously result of copy-n-paste problem from previous upstream AST-2012-006
1) Though link name being http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-007-1.8.11-cert.diff
   it points to:

2) http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-007-1.8.diff (link name) =>
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-006-1.8.diff (link target)

3) http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-007-10.diff (link name) =>
   http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/security/AST-2012-006-1.8.diff (link target)

From what I can tell (from upstream ticket), the proper AST-2012-007 upstream patch
for v1.8.x branch is this one:

Could you please update the links in AST-2012-007 for other branches too, so they
would reflect relevant */chan_iax2.c change?

Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Response Team

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