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CVE-2017-5956 virglrenderer: Virglrenderer: OOB access while in vrend_draw_vbo

From: P J P <ppandit () redhat com>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 10:30:38 +0530 (IST)


Virgil 3d project, used by Quick Emulator(Qemu) to implement 3D GPU support for the virtio GPU, is vulnerable to an OOB array access issue. It could occur when in vrend_draw_vbo.

A guest user/process could use this flaw to crash the Qemu process instance resulting DoS.

Upstream patch:
  -> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/virglrenderer/commit/?id=a5ac49940c40ae415eac0cf912eac7070b4ba95d

  -> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1421073

This issue was reported by Li Qiang of 360.cn Inc.

'CVE-2017-5956' assigned via -> https://cveform.mitre.org/

Thank you.
Prasad J Pandit / Red Hat Product Security Team
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