oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: CVE Request: podofo: stack overflow in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadDocumentStructure(PdfParser.cpp )

From: Andrej Nemec <anemec () redhat com>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 10:21:15 +0200

Hello Xiaobo,

Unfortunately, CVE assignments are not done through this list anymore.
You need to visit [1] and request a CVE by filing out the form. Could
you please look at it and let the list know about the assigned CVE?


Best Regards,

[1] https://cveform.mitre.org/

Andrej Nemec, Red Hat Product Security
3701 3214 E472 A9C3 EFBE 8A63 8904 44A1 D57B 6DDA

On 04/22/2017 05:02 AM, Xiaobo Xiang wrote:

There is a infinite recursion in
PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadDocumentStructure(PdfParser.cpp )
In the ReadDocumentStructure function, it calls ReadXRefContents several
time, for exmple in the end of ReadDocumentStructure:.
    try {
        ReadXRefContents( m_nXRefOffset );
    } catch( PdfError & e ) {
        e.AddToCallstack( __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to load xref
entries." );
        throw e;

The ReadXRefContents and ReadXRefStreamContents will call each other if it
meet some conditions. Just as below.

void PdfParser::ReadXRefStreamContents( pdf_long lOffset, bool
bReadOnlyTrailer )
    m_device.Device()->Seek( lOffset );
        try {

            // PDFs that have been through multiple PDF tools may have a
mix of xref tables (ISO 32000-1 7.5.4)
            // and XRefStm streams (ISO 32000-1 and in the Prev
            // so call ReadXRefContents (which deals with both) instead of
            ReadXRefContents( xrefObject.GetPreviousOffset(),
bReadOnlyTrailer );
        } catch(PdfError &e) {

void PdfParser::ReadXRefContents( pdf_long lOffset, bool bPositionAtEnd )
    pdf_int64 nFirstObject = 0;
    pdf_int64 nNumObjects  = 0;

    if( !this->IsNextToken( "xref" ) )
//      if( m_ePdfVersion < ePdfVersion_1_5 )
//        Ulrich Arnold 19.10.2009, found linearized 1.3-pdf's with
trailer-info in xref-stream
        if( m_ePdfVersion < ePdfVersion_1_3 )
            PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_NoXRef );
            ReadXRefStreamContents( lOffset, bPositionAtEnd );

The crash log is just as follows:

./podofofuzzer: Running 1 inputs 1 time(s) each.
Running: crash-5aac275479284034b46368c836564266b0ed3694
==30073==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-overflow on address 0x7ffc70e74f18
(pc 0x0000004e6119 bp 0x7ffc70e75790 sp 0x7ffc70e74f20 T0)
    #0 0x4e6118  (/home/name/FUZZ-WORKSPACE/podofofuzzer+0x4e6118)
    #1 0x8a75c1  (/home/name/FUZZ-WORKSPACE/podofofuzzer+0x8a75c1)
    #2 0x4e6efc  (/home/name/FUZZ-WORKSPACE/podofofuzzer+0x4e6efc)
    #3 0x7fdbbe094277  (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6+0x121277)
    #4 0x61085e  (/home/name/FUZZ-WORKSPACE/podofofuzzer+0x61085e)

when debugging with gdb and checking the stack backtrace, it showed the
program runs out of the stack as below :

#6884 0x000000000063a434 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefStreamContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bReadOnlyTrailer=false)
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:875
#6885 0x000000000063438c in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bPositionAtEnd=false) at
#6886 0x000000000063a434 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefStreamContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bReadOnlyTrailer=false)
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:875
#6887 0x000000000063438c in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bPositionAtEnd=false) at
#6888 0x000000000063a434 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefStreamContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bReadOnlyTrailer=false)
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:875
#6889 0x000000000063438c in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bPositionAtEnd=false) at
#6890 0x000000000063a434 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefStreamContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bReadOnlyTrailer=false)
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:875
#6891 0x000000000063438c in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=5923, bPositionAtEnd=false) at
#6892 0x000000000063a434 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefStreamContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=116, bReadOnlyTrailer=false)
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:875
#6893 0x000000000063438c in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadXRefContents
(this=0x617000000080, lOffset=116, bPositionAtEnd=false) at
#6894 0x00000000006303bf in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadDocumentStructure
(this=0x617000000080) at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:337
#6895 0x000000000062e252 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ParseFile
(this=0x617000000080, rDevice=..., bLoadOnDemand=true) at
#6896 0x000000000062ce49 in PoDoFo::PdfParser::ParseFile
(this=0x617000000080, pszFilename=0x8ca380 <.str> "tempinput.pdf",
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:164
#6897 0x00000000005cdc65 in PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument::Load
(this=0x7fffffffbfe0, pszFilename=0x8ca380 <.str> "tempinput.pdf",
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/doc/PdfMemDocument.cpp:256
#6898 0x00000000005cd682 in PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument::PdfMemDocument
(this=0x7fffffffbfe0, pszFilename=0x8ca380 <.str> "tempinput.pdf",
    at /home/name/podofo-0.9.5/src/doc/PdfMemDocument.cpp:102

Thus,causing denial of service.

Best Regards,​​
Xiang Xiaobo

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