oss-sec mailing list archives

CVE-2017-12629 Solr: Code execution via entity expansion

From: Andrej Nemec <anemec () redhat com>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 17:41:18 +0200

Hello oss-security,

I would like to make the list aware of CVE-2017-12629, which was
yesterday reported with a working 0-day exploit to the public Lucene
development mailing list [1]. Lucene / Solr developers quickly confirmed
the bug and moved to fixing it ASAP. There is also a late Apache
announcement [2] which came out yesterday, appended below.


[2] https://marc.info/?l=apache-announce&m=150786685013286

Dear Apache Solr users,

Please secure your Solr servers since a zero-day exploit has been
reported on a public mailing list. This has been assigned a public
CVE (CVE-2017-12629) which we will reference in future communication
about resolution and mitigation steps.

Here is what we're recommending and what we're doing now:

* Until fixes are available, all Solr users are advised to restart their
Solr instances with the system parameter `-Ddisable.configEdit=true`.
This will disallow any changes to be made to configurations via the
Config API. This is a key factor in this vulnerability, since it allows
GET requests to add the RunExecutableListener to the config. This is
sufficient to protect you from this type of attack, but means you cannot
use the edit capabilities of the Config API until the other fixes
described below are in place.

* A new release of Lucene/Solr was in the vote phase, but we have now
pulled it back to be able to address these issues in the upcoming 7.1
release. We will also determine mitigation steps for users on earlier
versions, which may include a 6.6.2 release for users still on 6.x.

* The RunExecutableListener will be removed in 7.1. It was previously
used by Solr for index replication but has been replaced and is no
longer needed.

* The XML Parser will be fixed and the fixes will be included in the 7.1

* The 7.1 release was already slated to include a change to disable the
`stream.body` parameter by default, which will further help protect

Thanks, The Apache Lucene/Solr team

[1] : https://s.apache.org/FJDl

Best Regards,

Andrej Nemec, Red Hat Product Security
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