oss-sec mailing list archives

Multiple vulnerabilities in Jenkins plugins

From: Daniel Beck <ml () beckweb net>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 13:17:40 +0100

Jenkins is an open source automation server which enables developers around 
the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software. The following 
plugin releases contain fixes for security vulnerabilities:

* Android Lint 2.6
* CCM 3.2
* Credentials Binding 1.15
* JUnit 1.24
* Pipeline: Supporting APIs 2.18

Summaries of the vulnerabilities are below. More details, severity, and
attribution can be found here:

We provide advance notification for security updates on this mailing list:

If you find security vulnerabilities in Jenkins, please report them as
described here:


JUnit plugin is affected by an XML External Entity (XXE) processing 
vulnerability. This allows an attacker to configure build processes such 
that JUnit plugin parses a maliciously crafted file that uses external 
entities for extraction of secrets from the Jenkins master, server-side 
request forgery, or denial-of-service attacks.

SECURITY-660 (Android Lint)
Multiple plugins based on Static Analysis Utilities plugin are affected
by an XML External Entity (XXE) processing vulnerability. This allows an
attacker to configure build processes such that one of these plugins
parses a maliciously crafted file that uses external entities for
extraction of secrets from the Jenkins master, server-side request
forgery, or denial-of-service attacks.

Credentials Binding plugin allows specifying passwords and other secrets as
environment variables, and will hide them from console output in builds.

However, since Jenkins will try to resolve references to other environment 
variables in environment variables passed to a build, this can result in 
other values than the one specified being provided to a build. For 
example, the value p4$$w0rd would result in Jenkins passing on p4$w0rd, as 
$$ is the escape sequence for a single $.

Credentials Binding plugin does not prevent such a transformed value (e.g. 
p4$w0rd) from being shown on the build log, allowing users to reconstruct 
the actual password value from the transformed one.

Credentials Binding plugin will now escape any $ characters in password 
values so they are correctly passed to the build.

Arbitrary code execution due to incomplete sandbox protection in Pipeline: 
Supporting APIs Plugin: Methods related to Java deserialization like 
readResolve implemented in Pipeline scripts were not subject to sandbox 
protection, and could therefore execute arbitrary code. This could be 
exploited e.g. by regular Jenkins users with the permission to configure 
Pipelines in Jenkins, or by trusted committers to repositories containing 

Deserialization of objects in Pipeline is now also subject to sandbox 

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