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Re: Trojan Source Attacks

From: "David A. Wheeler" <dwheeler () dwheeler com>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 08:55:41 -0700

On Nov 1, 2021, at 10:27 AM, Nicholas Boucher <nicholas.boucher () cl cam ac uk> wrote:

OSS Security teams,

We have identified an issue affecting all compilers and interpreters that support Unicode. We believe that the 
techniques described hereafter can be used to generate adversarial encodings of source code files that can be used to 
craft targeted attacks against source code that cannot be seen by human reviewers in rendered text. This is of 
concern to the open source community because, absent defenses, supply chain attacks can be imperceptibly mounted 
against the ecosystem.

The “Trojan Source” paper is interesting. Unicode bidirectional commands have been exploited in other contexts, this is 
the first paper I can recall that specifically discusses bidi in source code.

However, I think it’s important to realize this is a special case of “underhanded code” aka “underhanded source code” 
aka “maliciously misleading code”. Underhanded code is source code crafted so that the source code looks like it does 
one thing to human reviewers, but it actually does something else. Homoglyphs are a common mechanism of attack (e.g., 
1/l or O/0), as are misleading indentation, etc.

The first reference I can find to underhanded code is the 2004 Obfuscated V Contest 
(http://graphics.stanford.edu/~danielh/vote/vote.html) created by Daniel Horn.

Below are some of the related works that discuss underhanded code / maliciously misleading code; see my 2020 paper for 
a more complete list. My 2020 paper cites more examples, and it also describes a brief experiment in *countering* 
underhanded code. It turns out that a lot of underhanded code can be countered by relatively simpler measures... but 
those measures have to be implemented to work :-). My 2020 paper is here:

--- David A. Wheeler


The Obfuscated V Contest (http://graphics.stanford.edu/~danielh/vote/vote.html) was created by Daniel Horn in 2004 and 
is the earliest “underhanded” programming contest that I found. It was a contest to create source code that looked like 
it did one thing, but actually did another.

Underhanded C Contest (http://www.underhanded-c.org/) has run in many years. Per its FAQ, "The Underhanded C Contest is 
an annual contest to write innocent-looking C code 
implementing  malicious  behavior.”

Underhanded Crypto Contest (https://underhandedcrypto.com/). As of this 
time, it has run from 2014 to 2018. The contest website does not directly note 
the 2018 winners; however, the 2018 winners are presented and discussed in 
a DefCon 26 presentation [Caudill 2018]. The set of all entries is available on 
GitHub (https://github.com/UnderhandedCrypto/entries).

Underhanded Solidity Coding Contest (USCC) (https://u.solidity.cc/; details 
are available at its GitHub site https://github.com/Arachnid/uscc). Solidity is 
a contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts that can 
be implemented on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum. The 
announcement of the winners of the first (2017) contest is available at 
[Johnson 2017], and the complete set of 2017 winners is posted on GitHub at 
https://github.com/Arachnid/uscc/tree/master/submissions-2017/. The 
developers of Solidity used the contest results to improve their tooling. 
• The “Write a program that makes 2+2=5” discussion on StackExchange at 
makes-2-2-5 shows how to do that in a variety of programming languages. 
• The “Underhanded code contest: Not-so-quick sort” (https:// 
not-so-quick-sort) is a small underhanded code contest. The goal of this 
contest was to “Write a program, in the language of your choice, that reads
lines of input from standard input until EOF, and then writes them to standard 
output in ASCIIbetical order, similar to the sort command-line program. ... 
The underhanded part... is to prove that your favored platform is `better,’ by 
having your program deliberately run much more slowly on a competing 

“April Fools Day!” (https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/114891 
/april-fools-day) is a small underhanded code contest with a few underhanded 
code samples. The goal is to “write a program or function which appears to 
print the first ten numbers of any integer sequence (on OEIS, the answerer 
may choose which sequence), but instead prints the exact text “Happy April 
Fool’s Day!” if and only if it is run on April 1st of any year.” 

The “Underhanded Python” posting (https://gist.github.com/L3viathan 
/e47d359470d5e18a357c67d9e4328c16) is quite clever. It uses the fact that 
“//” opens a comment in other languages to fool the reader. It is revealed by 
syntax coloring but even vim syntax coloring was not obvious enough to 
immediately reveal the attack. 

The 2003 attack on the Linux kernel source code. An attacker attempted to 
subvert the Linux kernel in 2003 through underhanded code that used = 
instead of ==. This is discussed in [Corbet 2003] and [Felten 2013].

My PhD dissertation "Fully Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling" discusses how to counter the 
"trusting trust" problem & includes a section about maliciously misleading source code. See: 

The JavaScript Misdirection Contest announced the winner on September 27, 2015 http://misdirect.ion.land/

My paper "Initial Analysis of Underhanded Source Code", (by David A. Wheeler, April, 2020, IDA document: D-13166),
discusses underhanded code and the effectiveness of several potential countermeasures. It also includes a number of 
citations to other works on underhanded code. See:

Note that my 2020 paper includes references to many other related works (it includes a literature survey of such work).

--- David A. Wheeler

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