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pesign: Local privilege escalation on pesign systemd service

From: Marco Benatto <mbenatto () redhat com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:59:19 -0300

Hello all,

a local privilege escalation vulnerability was found in pesign. This
vulnerability has been identified by CVE-2022-3560.


"The pesign deamon started by the systemd service of the pesign
package is vulnerable to a path traversal vulnerability allowing a local
privilege escalation. When properly exploited this flaw allows a
malicious unprivileged user with access to pesign user or group can
gain access to higher privileged files and directories."


The patch for this issue is attached to this message.

I'd like to thank Matthias Gerstner from SUSE Security Team for
reporting this issue.

Marco Benatto
Red Hat Product Security
secalert () redhat com for urgent response

Attachment: 0001-Use-normal-file-permissions-instead-of-ACLs.patch

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