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escaping terminal control characters (was Re: backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise)

From: Matthew Fernandez <matthew.fernandez () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 11:03:17 +1100

On 4/1/24 08:30, Solar Designer wrote:
On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 04:37:48PM -0000, Tavis Ormandy wrote:
It was also pointed out they submitted an odd PR to libarchive:


In summary, they replaced calls to safe_fprintf() with fprintf() --
meaning control characters are no longer filtered from errors. That
seems pretty minor, but now that we know they were in the business of
obfuscating the presence of backdoors -- seems a bit suspicious.

Regardless, that change has now been reverted:


This does look minor indeed - not usable for large-scale attacks, and
libarchive is quite unique in that it even bothered to filter control
characters, whereas most command-line tools outputting filenames don't
bother.  My guess is it could have been an early experiment to see
whether the project would accept PRs degrading security.

That said, here's an excellent write-up by David Leadbeater on specific
ways that specific terminal emulators may be usefully attacked with
control sequences:


Is the currently accepted wisdom that any application printing to stdout/stderr should take steps to avoid control characters in the output? This is one of those situations where, if my terminal is manipulated this way, I’m not quite sure who is to blame. Intuitively it does not seem to scale, to require every (even non-security minded) application to mitigate this. But on the other hand, maybe it’s not possible for terminal emulators to solve without false positives.

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