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CVE-2024-27322: Deserialization vulnerability in R before 4.4.0

From: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith () oracle com>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:57:13 -0700

https://hiddenlayer.com/research/r-bitrary-code-execution/ reports:

HiddenLayer researchers have discovered a vulnerability, CVE-2024-27322,
in the R programming language that allows for arbitrary code execution by
deserializing untrusted data. This vulnerability can be exploited through
the loading of RDS (R Data Serialization) files or R packages, which are often
shared between developers and data scientists. An attacker can create
malicious RDS files or R packages containing embedded arbitrary R code that
executes on the victim’s target device upon interaction.


Our team discovered that it is possible to craft a malicious RDS file that
will execute arbitrary code when loaded and referenced. This vulnerability,
assigned CVE-2024-27322, involves the use of promise objects and lazy
evaluation in R.


After some research, we found that if we created a promise where instead of
setting a symbol, we set an unbounded value, we could create a payload that
would run the expression when the promise was accessed:

Opcode(TYPES.PROMSXP, 0, False, False, False,None,False),
Opcode(TYPES.UNBOUNDVALUE_SXP, 0, False, False, False,None,False),
Opcode(TYPES.LANGSXP, 0, False, False, False,None,False),
Opcode(TYPES.SYMSXP, 0, False, False, False,None,False),
Opcode(TYPES.CHARSXP, 64, False, False, False,"system",False),
Opcode(TYPES.LISTSXP, 0, False, False, False,None,False),
Opcode(TYPES.STRSXP, 0, False, False, False,1,False),
Opcode(TYPES.CHARSXP, 64, False, False, False,'echo "pwned by HiddenLayer"',False),
Opcode(TYPES.NILVALUE_SXP, 0, False, False, False,None,False),

Once the malicious file has been created and loaded by R, the exploit will
run no matter how the variable is referenced


R’s serialization and deserialization process, which is used in the process of
creating and loading RDS files and packages, has an arbitrary code execution
vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this by crafting a file in RDS format
that contains a promise instruction setting the value to unbound_value and the
expression to contain arbitrary code. Due to lazy evaluation, the expression
will only be evaluated and run when the symbol associated with the RDS file is
accessed. Therefore if this is simply an RDS file, when a user assigns it a
symbol (variable) in order to work with it, the arbitrary code will be
executed when the user references that symbol. If the object is compiled
within an R package, the package can be added to an R repository such as CRAN,
and the expression will be evaluated and the arbitrary code run when a user
loads that package.

Given the widespread usage of R and the readRDS function, the implications of
this are far-reaching. Having followed our responsible disclosure process, we
have worked closely with the team at R who have worked quickly to patch this
vulnerability within the most recent release – R v4.4.0.

https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-announce/2024/000701.html on April 24 announced
the release of R 4.4.0 but does not mention the CVE id in the list of fixes.

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith () oracle com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris

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