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Password manager

From: hsiegel at (Howard Siegel)
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 20:31:51 -0700

The plugin resets the title bar text to the following format:

        Mozilla Firefox # <hostname> # <page title>

So, for example, using Gmail while reading this message, the title bar shows
the following:

        Mozilla Firefox # # Gmail - [Pauldotcom] Password
manager - hsiegel at

So I would set the auto-type-window to the following:

        * # # *

In other words, just the hashtags with the host name between them and any
text preceding and following.

Using the host name this way means you don't have to use any of the other
text in the title, so any special characters won't cause a problem.

- h

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 18:39, Mad Marv <marv at> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Will that make Keepass work w/ a Wordpress login page?  Right now the
wp-admin.php title uses a funky ( > ) character that I can't seem to
replicate by either copy/pasting nor looking up the unicode.

No matter what I try, Keepass will not interpret the title correctly.


Howard Siegel wrote:
I use the auto-type-window capability quite extensively.

One problem, though is that sometimes too many web sites use the same
window title, so it you might end up with a lot of collisions and the
"pick which one it is" dialog box.  To make things more automatic, at
least in Firefox, I have an extension that extracts the host name from
the URL and puts it in the window title.  It is called Host Name In
Title Bar, though I have a locally augmented version of it because I
wanted to make some custom changes to the window title it builds.  Don't
know if there is anything like it for other browsers.

- h

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 14:36, Mad Marv <marv at
<mailto:marv at>> wrote:

BTW, have you guys used the Auto-Type-Window: function for Keepass?
It'll auto-lookup and enter the username & password for whatever website
form or app that is requesting a password.  I just hit Ctrl + Alt + A
and Keepass pastes the credentials into the form.  It also wipes the
password from RAM once the password is pasted into the form and retains
whatever was in your clipboard before you executed the Auto-Type-Window


Carlos Perez wrote:
Right now I'm loving keepass and use dropbox for the sync, when
ikeepass gets approved by apple finaly it will be perfect

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