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Re: Mainframe: RACF database file?

From: Champ Clark III <cclark () quadrantsec com>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 14:00:52 -0400

Hash: SHA1

Wow.. That's pretty awesome IMHO.  Years ago,  I worked with Jean-Loup
Gailly on getting JtR supported for OpenVMS SYSUAF.DAT password
cracking.  To be honest,  he did the hard work,  I supplied some
assistance with OpenVMS (via the public access OpenVMS Deathrow
cluster - - shameless plug :)

I think it's very cool to see RACF databases supported in JtR.  It's
always interesting to "interesting" platforms get supported in JtR :)

Nice job!

On 3/16/12 11:52 AM, Main Framed wrote:
No much interest in this but I wanted to make sure I completed what
I started. Anyway I'm happy to announce that thanks to work done by
folks over on the John the Ripper mailing list, RACF databases are
now supported. A new plugin was added to JtR to support RACF DES
hashes and a new tool (racf2john) was developed to pull the
usernames and hashes out of a copy of the RACF database.

For anyone curious the algorithm was obfuscating the key before
putting it through DES. Basically each byte was XOR'd with 0x55 and
bit shifted to the left by one bit (thanks goes to Nigel Pentland
for figuring it out).

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Main Framed
<mainframed767 () gmail com <mailto:mainframed767 () gmail com>> wrote:

Good news everyone!

Turns out it was because I had downloaded the file from FTP which 
did the conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII. Instead I should've typed 
'binary' before downloading the file. Neophyte mistake. Because of 
that I was able to find the example "hash" I included and from
there find all the hashes. Next my other problem. I created an
example account:


This creates a des hash (in hex) of:  42 4B 25 8A F8 B9 06 1B

Unfortunately when I try to recreate the password using python (in 
the interpreter) DES I get a different hex value:

from Crypto.Cipher import DES s = "TTTTTTTT" p = "TESTTEST" 
es = s.decode('ascii').encode('EBCDIC-CP-BE') ep =
p.decode('ascii').encode('EBCDIC-CP-BE') des =,DES.MODE_CBC) cipher = des.encrypt(es) cipher

Which doesn't look to me to be the same hex values like I expected
it to. What am I doing wrong?

Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 08:21:59 -0800 From: Main Framed
<mainframed767 () gmail com <mailto:mainframed767 () gmail com>> Subject:
[Pauldotcom] Mainframe: RACF database file? To:
pauldotcom () mail pauldotcom com 
<mailto:pauldotcom () mail pauldotcom com>

I've spent the last couple of days puling my hair out trying to do
some testing against a test z/OS system I've got access to. Since
this system is mine (it's a lab system) and I have access to it I'm
trying to build some better tools to test mainframes.

I've got two goals: 1) Extract the user IDs and password hashes
from a copy of the database file. I'd prefer to do that using a
copy of the file locally on my Linux machine. 2) Identify the
hashing algorithm (it's apparently a one way DES hash)

I've been mucking around for #1 but finding *any* information
about this is extremely frustrating. Even finding out what kind of
file structure it is is an act in frustration (I wasn't able to
find out what kind of file it was all I know is it's not VSAM).

I know tools already exist:

I've tried CRACF 
<>, (and his other
tools) and they don't work in Windows XP. Running it in a DOS image
I have it loads but doesn't detect any of the simple passwords
I've set (one user is A with a password of A). He's also the
creator of a tool called WEAKPASS or something like it which also
didn't work. I assume thats because my version is newer than when
these tools were written.

There's also PWCHECK ( ) which is a program
that runs on the mainframe. It doesn't extract the hashes (well,
the debug mode might) but it basically runs on the mainframe. You
need to install it to very privileged (APF datasets) areas. I 
*could* try and use this to extract the hashes and user IDs but
it's not free.

There is a way called EXTRACT in RACROUTE

It would require me writting some assembly, getting system
privileges on a mainframe and running the macro,  but finding any
information about it is difficult to understand for a mainframe
neophyte such as myself.

For #2 I think it's a one way DES hashing algorithm which takes the
user ID, padded to 8 characters and uses the password as the salt,
padded to 8 characters. From
I was able to see what, potentially the hash would look like:

Userd ID: IBMUSER Password: SYS1 Hashed Password: C585D307BD44E61F

But this could be from an older version of RACF, it's unclear. IBM
is pretty tight lipped about this. I know where, in the database,
the password is stored: from

know that in the user table(?) the password is the 12th field but
other than that I am lost.

I feel like I have all the pieces I need to be able to break this
file apart but I need some guidance to look in the right places.
Strings shows me the user IDs (plus lots of other stuff) but the
hashes aren't stored in plaintext in the database. Same with a HEX

I'm wondering if anyone on the list has any experience with the 
mainframe and working with this file specifically. Or even on where
to start looking would be a nice start.

I've also joined the RACF-L mailing list but there aren't very
forthcoming with information about breaking apart their flagship 
security database.

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