Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: TS/3389 risk on Internet

From: Davide Carnevali <davide () protechta it>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:56:13 +0200

IMHO it is not a problem related to clear text or encrypted authentication.
TS is a very powerful yet dangerous gives you total control over the machine... Username/Password is a weak authentication method ...i could "guess" them or i can "ask" for them through social engineering .....
At leat you should implement a strong authentication method such as OTP.

And what about new vulnerability in TS that will be discovered tomorrow?
... better to use TS over a VPN using digital certificates...


net sec wrote:
I have a peer that insists on allowing public access to his Domain controller via TS/tcp 3389 over the internet. I know there are some documented cases of 'man-in-the-middle' attacks for this service but I was hoping someone here could help me plead my case as to why this is a bad idea. Maybe you all disagree and regurlary allow this traffic. It just doesn't sit well with me. Does anyone know if the login/password is sent in clear text for TS authentication?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts,

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