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Re: extracting passwords from ethereal dump

From: Tim E <xmin0s () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 12:38:48 -0500

I found myself wondering the same thing after I dumped a 10 minute
capture on our network, it ended up being around 3 gigs worth of data
and I wanted to find out exactly what was plain text. After much
googling I found a plug in (which I could never get to work I might
add) for Dsniff that does just that, it runs through a Pcap file. Link
to the patch is found here:
Here is another method (again this didn't work for me either)

I never was able to get this to work (short of replaying the session
on a hub, which DID work)
But I think a program that does this would be a great thing to run
agaist my 20gigs of Pcap files I have sitting around.
On 6/21/05, Nicolas Gregoire <ngregoire () exaprobe com> wrote:
Le lundi 20 juin 2005 à 19:14 +0300, Mohamed Abdel Kader a écrit :

I was on a assessment and decided to get some of the traffic moving
along the network. i got it using ethereal. now i want a program
(other than ettercap) that can take this dump and extract the

Hey, I just had a quasi identical situation last week. I captured 2 Gb
of trafic while arp-spoofing some hosts (during an internal pentest) and
I had to extract as much information as possible from my pcap files.

In my opinion, searching strings like "passwd" or "password" in the pcap
files (or the output of "tethereal -V") is just non productive. You will
not catch Unicoded text, neither X11 MIT-Cookies or SMB shared files
containing clear text passwords.

So, I've replay several times the pcap files on a private/virtual VMWare
LAN (using tcpreplay at speed x 3), while running differents tools to
extract data : dnsiff ("clear text" passwords), Cain & Abel (LM and NTLM
hashes), smbspy (juicy Word and Excel files ;-), ... This solution is
really efficient (replaying 2 hours of trafic in less than 20 minutes)
and allows the pentester to use numerous softwares running on different
OS (here Linux and Windows) and not supporting natively the import of
pcap files.

Nicolas Gregoire ----- Consultant en Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
ngregoire () exaprobe com ------[ ExaProbe ]------
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