Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: Core Impact

From: David Eduardo Acosta Rodríguez <david.acosta () internet-solutions com co>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 17:30:12 -0500


In the new "automated exploitation area", you can use other tools and
finally you can have your own, you can "exploit" the found
vulnerabilities... in Nessus, ISS Internet Scanner, Symantec NetRecon and
GFI LanGuard you only can test the vulnerabilities with few (or none)
possibilities of attack and compromise. Below, I show some tools:

Immunity's CANVAS <- Commercial tool write in
Exploitation Framework <-
OpenSource tool with "massive amount of exploits available"
MetaSploit <-OpenSource tool - with Web GUI
ATK <-OpenSource tool write in
VB for Windows

For Core Impact, I think that it is a good tool but it has certain
limitations...the number of exploits... if you can use an exploit, you need
"port/rewrite" the code in the Core´s "standard"...the good thing in this
tool is the capacity of "pivot" the compromised host and to use it as
platform of attack against internal hosts...

I think that  this tools must be used jointly with a clear metodology
(OSSTMM). A good automatic exploit framework must be 1) platform independent
2) good exploit collection 3) a intutive GUI 4) you can add new exploits
without rewrite the code 5) OpenSource and 6) good reporting tools.

Cordial saludo,

         Ing. David E. Acosta R.
      Security Consultant - CISSP
       Internet Solutions Colombia
  "The Information Security Experts"
 david.acosta () internet-solutions com co
       Phone (movil):(300)2089961
 Phone (office):(091)3120910 ext 17

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Security Professional" <redteamer () gmail com>
To: <pen-test () securityfocus com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 7:02 AM
Subject: Core Impact

Hey folks.  I was just wondering if anyone out there has tried the
Core Impact product, or even better, purchased it and currently uses
it.  If so, would you be so kind as to send me a quick down and dirty
of how you feel about this product?  I am in the process of looking at
it and before I move any further, I would like to have the community's
thoughts on this Company and their product.  Any comments would be

P.S. - Don't feel you have to post them publicly.  Just send them
directly to me, unless you feel it is something everyone will benefit

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