Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Tools Update - Second week of March 2010

From: "SD List" <list () security-database com>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:11:38 +0100 (CET)


Here is the site's newsletter "Security Database Tools Watch"
This letter summarizes the articles and news items published since 7 days.

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hot information with our followers (great bloggers, auditors, pentestors,
IT professionals and old days hackers.

         New articles

** Sniff-n-Spit v1.0 - intercepting communications **
by  ToolsTracker
- 13 March 2010

During Penetration testing it can be seen that thick-clients sometimes
communicate with a server whose IP address is hardcoded in to it.The HTTP
communication between such client and server is harder to intercept and
test. Sniff-n-Snip is a very useful utility in such scenarios. It sniffs
for HTTP packets from the client to server and forwards them to your
favorite proxy (Burp, WebScarab, Paros etc).

User Input:

The tool expects the following user input:

Number of the listening (...)


** Imposter v0.9 - Browser Phishing Tool **
by  ToolsTracker
- 13 March 2010

Imposter is a flexible framework to perform Browser Phishing attacks. Once
the system running Imposter is configured as the DNS server to the victims,
the internal DNS server of Imposter resolves all DNS queries to itself.

When the victim tries to access any website the domain resolves to the
system running Imposter and Imposter’s internal web server serves content
to the victim. Depending on the configuration appropriate payloads are sent
to the victim. Data stolen from the victim is sent (...)


** iScanner v0.4 released - Malicious codes scanner **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 12 March 2010

iScanner is free open source tool lets you detect and remove malicious
codes and web pages viruses from your Linux/Unix server easily and

This tool is programmed by iSecur1ty using Ruby programming language and
it's released under the terms of GNU Affero General Public License 3.0.


Detect malicious codes in web pages, this include hidden iframe tags,
javascript, vbscript and activex objects.

Extensive log shows the infected files and the malicious code. (...)


** KNOPPIX 6.2.1 LiveCD available **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 12 March 2010

KNOPPIX is a bootable Live system on CD or DVD, consisting of a
representative collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware
detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB
devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a productive Linux
system for the desktop, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used
as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to
install anything on a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, (...)


** Samhain v2.6.3 & Beltane v2.3.19 released **
by  ToolsTracker
- 11 March 2010

The samhain open source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS)
provides file integrity checking and logfile monitoring/analysis, as well
as rootkit detection, port monitoring, detection of rogue SUID executables,
and hidden processes.

Samhain v2.6.3

A regression in the email code has been fixed. This regression would cause
messages of highest priority to get queued along with other messages,
instead of getting mailed immediately

MD5: 0a10af903c87017fbc27d5248fcd6029

Beltane (...)


** Social-Engineering Ninja v0.1 Beta - PHP scripts **
by  ToolsTracker
- 11 March 2010

S-E Ninja is a Social Engineering tool, with 20-25 popular sites fake
pages and anonymous mailer via mail() function in PHP.

Available Sites: (hotmail) (AR,EN Langs) (AR,EN Langs)



IP, malicious page gives you the ip address of victim.


You can send an anonymous message using PHP mail() (...)


** plecost v0.2.2-7 Beta (Update!) **
by  ToolsTracker
- 11 March 2010

Wordpress finger printer tool search and retrieve information about the
plugins versions installed in Wordpress systems.

It can analyze a single URL or perform an analysis based on the results
indexed by Google. Additionally displays CVE code associated with each
plugin, if there.

Version 0.2.2-7 Beta

Fixed some execition errors.



Plecost works in two modes. On the one hand by analyzing a single URL and
the other analyzing the results of Google searches (-G). (...)


** Vordel SOAPbox for analyzing Webservices Security **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 11 March 2010

SOAPbox is a Web services testing tool, which supports both SOAP-based and
REST-based invocation modes. It shares some of its architecture with the
Vordel XML Gateway, especially for security features or policy creation.

Using SOAPbox, you can:

Test Web services residing in your internal network, or provided from the
Web, or in a cloud environment. SOAP-style and REST-style services and SOAP
attachments are supported.

Test Web services that require encrypted input.

Test Web services (...)


** FireCAT v1.6 updated with 4 Firebug add-ons **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 10 March 2010

FireCAT (Firefox Catalog of Auditing exTension) is a mindmap collection of
the most efficient and useful firefox extensions oriented application
security auditing and assessment. FireCAT is not a remplacement of other
security utilities and softwares as well as fuzzers, proxies and
application vulnerabilities scanners.

New extensions added:

Firebug add-ons added (Category Editors -> FireBug) :

Flashbug: A Firebug extension for Flash. Displays all the running .SWF
file trace output. (...)


** Eclipse HTTP Client (HTTP4e) v3.0 available **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 10 March 2010

Eclipse HTTP Client (HTTP4e) is an Eclipse plugin formaking HTTP and
RESTful calls. Build with user experience in mind, it simplifies the
developer/QA job of testing Web Services, REST, JSON and HTTP. It is a
useful tool for your daily job of HTTP header tampering and hacking.


Making/Replaying an HTTP call directly from Eclipse IDE

Visual Editors for HTTP headers, parameters and body

Tabbed browsing (allowing replaying different RESTful, HTTP calls on
separate tabs)

History (...)


** SubSeven v2.3.2010 released **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 10 March 2010

SubSeven 2.3 is a simple, easy to use remote administration tool (RAT)
designed to work on all current Windows platforms, both 32bit and 64bit.
This tool is aimed at people who want that little bit more power and
control over remote computer management. Please use this tool responsibly
and read and accept the disclaimer prior to use. If you do not agree with
the disclaimer, please do not use the tool. You accept full liability and
responsibility for your actions when using SubSeven. Do not (...)


** GeoIPgen v0.4 – Country-to-IPs generator **
by  ToolsTracker
- 9 March 2010

GeoIPgen is a country-to-IPs generator. It's a geographic IP generator for
IPv4 networks that uses the MaxMind GeoLite Country database. Geoipgen is
the first published use of a geographic ip database in reverse to translate
from country-to-IPs instead of the usual use of IP-to-country.

Version 0.4 (07/03/2010)

Faster and smaller memory usage. It now uses the fast-random algorithm by
default instead of the bit-field method

Re-wrote README file

Simplified usage instructions

Video: Geo (...)


** OpenSCAP v0.5.7 released **
by  ToolsTracker
- 9 March 2010

The OpenSCAP Project was created to provide an open-source framework to
the community which enables integration with the Security Content
Automation Protocol (SCAP) suite of standards and capabilities.

It is the goal of OpenSCAP to provide a simple, easy to use set of
interfaces to serve as the framework for community use of SCAP.

Version 0.5.7

Debian dpkginfo probe is available now

RHEL5 support

new command line tool - OVAL scanner

Fedora 12 OVAL content available

documentation is (...)


** Dradis v2.5.1 released **
by  ToolsTracker
- 9 March 2010

Dradis is an open source framework to enable effective information
sharing. Dradis is a self-contained web application that provides a
centralised repository of information to keep track of what has been done
so far, and what is still ahead.

Features include:

Easy report generation.

Support for attachments.

Integration with existing systems and tools through server plugins.

Platform independent.

Version 2.5.1 (7/03/2010)

Server component:

Various improvements in the NotesBrowser (...)


** Flint v1.0 the Firewall Rules Checkup Scanner **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 9 March 2010

Flint examines firewalls, quickly computes the effect of all the
configuration rules, and then spots problems so you can:

CLEAN UP RUSTY CONFIGURATIONS that are crudded up with rules that can't
match traffic.

ERADICATE LATENT SECURITY PROBLEMS lurking in overly-permissive rules

SANITY CHECK CHANGES to see if new rules create problems.

Flint is absolutely free. There's no catch. You can download the source
from our git repository. This isn't the "play at home" version; it's our
second (...)


** DirBuster v1.0 RC 1 - released **
by  ToolsTracker
- 8 March 2010

DirBuster is a multi threaded java application designed to brute force
directories and files names on web/application servers.

Version 1.0 RC 1

Auto pause, when 20 consecutive 20 errors happen

Spelling mistakes corrected

Multi threaded all the work generation, so multiple dir and file exts are
scanned at the same time (this makes it much faster!)

Reconstructed multiple parts of the code

Proxy settings are now persistent

The ability to change the look and feel has now been added (...)


** plecost v0.1.6 RT Beta - WP finger printer tool **
by  ToolsTracker
- 8 March 2010

Wordpress finger printer tool search and retrieve information about the
plugins versions installed in Wordpress systems.

It can analyze a single URL or perform an analysis based on the results
indexed by Google. Additionally displays CVE code associated with each
plugin, if there.

Version 0.1-6-rt-beta:

Threads support added.



Plecost works in two modes. On the one hand by analyzing a single URL and
the other analyzing the results of Google searches (-G).

Options: (...)


** Building your own malware lab (Part 1 & 2) - SecTechno **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

Malicious software pieces like viruses, worms and bots are currently one
of the largest threats to the security of the Internet. Antivirus Labs have
invested great Money for analyzing and reversing viruses, but for our case
we can perform the analysis using some useful tools on our PC.

Let’s start with , if I feel that I have a suspicious
file. First what I will do is to upload it to VirusTotal. VirusTotal gives
the user the ability to analyze any file with more than 40 (...)


** SpiderLabs Toolset for Pentesting **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

SpiderLabs has developed dozens of tools over the years. Most of them end
up as internal-only tools since they eventually make their way into one of
Trustwave's product offerings. Recently, we have decided to showcase some
of these tools and provide them as Open Source to the information security
community. The tools have been made available without warranty and are
available under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

ackack : A program to monitor (...)


** FireCAT v1.6 updated with 2 new extensions **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

FireCAT (Firefox Catalog of Auditing exTension) is a mindmap collection of
the most efficient and useful firefox extensions oriented application
security auditing and assessment. FireCAT is not a remplacement of other
security utilities and softwares as well as fuzzers, proxies and
application vulnerabilities scanners.

New extensions:

Category Network utilities -> Passwords: Fireforce - The bruteforce
attacks firefox extension (

Category IT (...)


** NeoPwn : The first network auditing distribution for mobile phone
released **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

The NeoPwn Mobile Pentesting project is proud to announce that it is
merging with BackTrack, to produce the first ever BackTrack Mobile suite!

The migration of the NeoPwn project will give way to a sharp development
team, focused on fully supporting the Nokia N900 mobile phone. Future plans
of the project will extend support for other mobile devices as they become

This is an exciting leap from the original project, as there are
incredible improvements in hardware, usability and (...)


** Samurai Web Testing Framework 0.8 available **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live linux environment that has
been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD
contains the best of the open source and free tools that focus on testing
and attacking websites. In developing this environment, we have based our
tool selection on the tools we use in our security practice. We have
included the tools used in all four steps of a web pen-test.

Starting with reconnaissance, we have included tools such as the Fierce


** Airtun-ng available with AirCrack-ng package **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

Airtun-ng is a virtual tunnel interface creator. There are two basic

Allow all encrypted traffic to be monitored for wireless Intrusion
Detection System (wIDS) purposes.

Inject arbitrary traffic into a network.

In order to perform wIDS data gathering, you must have the encryption key
and the bssid for the network you wish to monitor. Airtun-ng decrypts all
the traffic for the specific network and passes it to a traditional IDS
system such as snort.

Traffic injection can be (...)


** DB Audit v4.2.25 released **
by  Tools Tracker Team
- 7 March 2010

DB Audit Expert is a professional database auditing solution for Oracle,
Sybase, DB2, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. DB Audit Expert enables
database and system administrators, security administrators, auditors and
operators to track and analyze any database activity including database
security, access and usage, data creation, change or deletion. What makes
DB Audit really unique is its built-in support for multiple auditing
methods giving you the flexibility to choose the best fit for (...)


** Websecurify v0.5 Final **
by  ToolsTracker
- 6 March 2010

Websecurify Security Testing Framework identifies web security
vulnerabilities by using advanced browser automation, discovery and fuzzing
technologies. The framework is written in JavaScript and successfully
executes in numerous platforms including modern browsers with support for
HTML5, xulrunner, xpcshell, Java, V8 and others.

More information: here


Improved user interface.

The workspace window now has an Issue view which provides detailed
information on each finding. (...)



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