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FC: FBI probing Israeli wiretapping at White House claim challenged

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 21:36:35 -0500


Also see two contradictory reports here:


Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 21:35:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Shaya Potter <spotter () yucs org>
To: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Subject: Re: FC: FBI probing Israeli wiretapping at White House --Insight

Wondering if you are going to post this
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/w/AP-White-House-Phones.html as a followup
to the story below.

Shaya Potter


To: declan () well com
Subject: Re: FC: FBI probing Israeli wiretapping at White House --Insight mag
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 21:04:50 -0400
From: Omri Schwarz <ocschwar () MIT EDU>

> ^Ó[The FBI] uncovered what appears to be a sophisticated means to listen in > on conversations from remote telephone sites with capabilities of providing > real-time audio feeds directly to Tel Aviv,^Ô says a U.S. official familiar
> with the FBI investigation. Details of how this could have been pulled off
> are highly guarded. However, a high-level U.S. intelligence source tells
> Insight: ^ÓThe access had to be done in such a way as to evade our
> countermeasures ^Å That^Òs what^Òs most disconcerting.

I'm having trouble believing this part.

How would Israel deliver the signal to J'lem?

Wireless? Easily probed for.

Regularly retrieved data storage media?
Not good for the claimed "real time" capacity,
and also a nasty point of failure.

Subverting a telephone switch to fork a call
to a third destination? Also something that can be probed for.

> Despite elaborate precautions by the U.S. agencies involved, say Insight^Òs
> sources, this alleged Israeli intelligence coup came down to the weakest
> link in the security chain: the human element. The technical key appears to
> be software designs for telephone billing records and support equipment
> required for interfacing with local telephone company hardware installed in
> some federal agencies. The FBI has deduced that it was this sophisticated
> computer-related equipment and software could provide real-time audio
> feeds. In fact, according to Insight^Òs sources, the FBI believes that at
> least one secure T-1 line routed to Tel Aviv has been used in the suspected
> espionage.

And this is why.

This T-1 feed would have to go across the Pond, through Western Europe,
to Cyprus, hence to Israel.

There would be ample opportunities to intercept it,
especially if it is a "real time audio feed". A singing
canary test would flush a project like this out very quickly.
(Stage a conversation on a suspected vulnerable phone line
and see if it causes the Israelis to twitch.)

Now, interception of billing records, I can believe.
("So and so calling such and such at this date and time"
is useful information.)
Penetration of the voice mail banks, I can believe.

(Especially when every h4x0r site and its mom
has instructions on how to do so.)

But for Israel to conduct an Echelon-like operation
on the United States, well, that stretches my credulity.

(I also have to question the bias of the author.
 Saying "Tel Aviv" when the correct name is
"Jerusalem" is a good way to annoy Israelis.)

> The potential loss of U.S. secrets is incalculable. So is the possibility
> that senior U.S. officials could be blackmailed for indiscreet telephone
> talk. Many officials do not like to bother with using secure, encrypted
> phones and have classified discussions on open lines.

And if you're going to have a security leak, better to
blame a country known for daring espionage operations,
than to blame one's own idiocy.

(Let's see, how many laptops have been stolen recently?)

> Carelessness always has been a problem, but former and current FBI special
> agents say that under the Clinton administration the disregard for security
> has been epidemic. Many officials simply don^Òt like the bother of
> communicating on secure phones.

I can believe that. The John Deutch scandal showed that much.


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