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FC: Reply to COPA Commission spinning over Internet filtering

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 00:49:04 -0400


Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 16:17:27 -0400
To: schampion () warren-news com
From: Alan Davidson <abd () cdt org>
Subject: Re: FC: COPA Commission spinning over Internet filtering
Cc: declan () well com


I'm sorry if you felt that you were being "spun" on the COPA Commission
report. But as an active participant in the Commission process, I strongly believe that the mandatory filtering provisions being considered by Congress are at odds with the COPA Commission report.

The COPA Commission specifically decided against offering legislative recommendations because there was no consensus favoring ANY legislative proposals, including federally mandatory filtering.

Legislative remedies were within the Commission's purview, as per the COPA statute: "(f) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the enactment of this Act [Oct. 21, 1998], the Commission shall submit a report to the Congress containing the results of the study under this section, which shall include-- ... (3) recommendations for legislative or administrative actions to implement the conclusions of the committee"

Various proposals for federal legislation were in fact on the table since the first briefings of the Commission, were among the proposed recommendations put forward by various commissioners, and were debated by the Commission in the course of its deliberations.

The Commission did not in the end endorse any of these proposals. And the Commission noted that filtering "raises First Amendment concerns because of its potential to be over-inclusive in blocking content. Concerns are increased because the extent of blocking is often unclear and not disclosed. " These concerns were a key reason why there was no consensus for filtering mandates among the Commissioners. Instead the Commission put forward a comprehensive set of recommendations based on informing and empowering users and enforcing existing laws.

CDT believes these recommendations provide a more effective alternative to a federal filtering mandate that removes local control, creates free speech concerns, and will certainly end up in the courts, doing little for children. We're not alone. Our web site at <http://www.cdt.org>http://www.cdt.org has letters from conservative groups, civil libertarians, industry association, and education groups, all opposing the filtering mandate in favor of a more effective approach.


Finally: Journalist, heal thyself! I've spent hours over the last few days talking to reporters about the recommendations and plan put forward in this Commission report, a plan with specific proposals that could actually do something for kids online. But most reporters just covered the debate over the filtering bill. There's plenty of substance in this report left to cover for those who want to.

Sasha, everyone at CDT has great respect for your coverage. I look forward to continuing the conversation with you, spin or otherwise.



Alan Davidson, Staff Counsel                 202.637.9800 (v)
Center for Democracy and Technology          202.637.0968 (f)
1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 1100                  <abd () cdt org>
Washington, DC 20006 <http://www.cdt.org>http://www.cdt.org


* The Commission Report: I'd really suggest that people decide for themselves by reading the whole Commission report - <http://www.copacommission.org/report/>http://www.copacommission.org/report/

* Letter from Industry and Public Interest Groups -

*Letter from Education Organizations:

*Letter from Free Congress Foundation and Conservative Groups:

*Letter from ACLU

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