Politech: by date

122 messages starting Jul 01 02 and ending Jul 31 02
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Wednesday, 31 July

FC: Charles Sims: The DMCA does not limit fair use "at all" Declan McCullagh
FC: FBI bumbling ruins chance for terrorist "cyber-sting" Declan McCullagh
FC: Jim Harper on med-privacy-worth-$266.67: States keep the cash Declan McCullagh
FC: Update on S&M photographer's suit against Net-obscenity law Declan McCullagh
FC: DMCA is a "copyright cudgel," from Chron. of Higher Education Declan McCullagh
FC: MetsOnline.net reportedly thwacked with trademark threats Declan McCullagh
FC: Los Angeles will post "general location" of sex offenders online Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 30 July

FC: Your medical privacy is worth $266.67 Declan McCullagh
FC: California attorney general is looking for a few noxious spammers Declan McCullagh
FC: HP uses DMCA club to thwap computer security researchers Declan McCullagh

Monday, 29 July

FC: ICANN director Karl Auerbach wins right to inspect records Declan McCullagh
FC: RIAA wants right to DOS peer-to-peer network, gets DOS'd itself Declan McCullagh
FC: Stewart Baker on Sen. Biden's digital rights management bill Declan McCullagh
FC: Sen. Biden wants to ban spoofing of digital rights management Declan McCullagh
FC: Your grocery list may bring a terror probe, from the Village Voice Declan McCullagh
FC: National Academy of Sciences frets about self-censorship Declan McCullagh
FC: More on Princeton staffers "hack" into Yale, and computer crime Declan McCullagh
FC: Nathan Cochrane on loopholes in P2P hacking bill Declan McCullagh

Friday, 26 July

FC: Request for help with "Stupid Senate Tricks" article Declan McCullagh
FC: Orin Kerr defends USA Patriot Act: "The Big Brother That Isn't" Declan McCullagh
FC: Privacy-fretting federal judge won't let her photo to be taken Declan McCullagh
FC: Michael Geist on domain names, trademarks, and flames on eBay Declan McCullagh
FC: California red light cameras raise red flags, auditor says Declan McCullagh
FC: Princeton admissions officers "hack" into Yale computers Declan McCullagh
FC: Just in time for P2P-hacking bill: Disrupting KaZaa clients Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 25 July

FC: Ashcroft backs away from TIPS informant program, just slightly Declan McCullagh
FC: StreamCast replies to peer-to-peer hacking bill: "Nonsensical!" Declan McCullagh
FC: RIAA applauds peer-to-peer hacking bill as "innovative approach" Declan McCullagh
FC: More on new DMCA filtering lawsuit case brought by ACLU Declan McCullagh
FC: Peer-to-peer hacking bill officially introduced in House Declan McCullagh
FC: New DMCA case: ACLU protects right to study filtering software Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 24 July

FC: More on Rep. Berman's bill authorizing anti-P2P hacking Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 23 July

FC: Draft of Rep. Berman's bill authorizes anti-P2P hacking Declan McCullagh
FC: More on DOJ's TIPS-informant program, from Der Spiegel Declan McCullagh
FC: Sen. Hollings wants FCC to implant "broadcast flag" in hardware Declan McCullagh
FC: Neal Horsley cashes in: Starts pro-life ISP called WeChooseLife.net Declan McCullagh
FC: American U. goes censorhappy: Arrests student taping Tipper Gore Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN "At Large council" nomination deadline is over Declan McCullagh

Monday, 22 July

FC: MPAA wants to hack your PC, push "broadcast flag" laws Declan McCullagh
FC: Commerce Dept. reaches out to free software advocates Declan McCullagh
FC: Is White House plan tantamount to a national ID? Different views... Declan McCullagh
FC: Brad Templeton on Bush's TIPS program, spam, press credentials Declan McCullagh
FC: Doonesbury, Allen Hutchinson on 802.11 networks and security Declan McCullagh
FC: Harvey Silverglate on TIPS-informing, obstruction of justice Declan McCullagh
FC: U.K. fingerprinting of school children draws privacy outcry Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 21 July

FC: NSA draws fire on Capitol Hill for 9-11 non-warning, from Time Declan McCullagh
FC: CFP 2004 may be in Europe, Barry Steinhardt predicts Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 18 July

FC: Anti-spam laws opposed by powerful Penis Enhancement lobby Declan McCullagh
FC: John Gilmore sues Feds over secret your-papers-please rule Declan McCullagh
FC: Request for help on documentary film on civil liberties after 9-11 Declan McCullagh
FC: City of Kirkland drops lawsuit aginst Justicefiles.org Declan McCullagh
FC: Lizard replies to ACLU demanding more Internet regulation Declan McCullagh
FC: Politech subscriber wins linking case after sued by church Declan McCullagh
FC: Pennsylvania Republican party becomes latest politico-spammer Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 17 July

FC: Photos from geektivists disrupting Commerce Dept. roundtable Declan McCullagh
FC: RIAA escalates attack on music piracy, wants "broadcast flag" Declan McCullagh
FC: Brad Templeton on DOJ "TIPS" informant plan: Operation TIPS-TIPS Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 16 July

FC: FBI pledges to ditch 1980s computer technology, enter 1990s... Declan McCullagh
FC: DOJ responds to informant plan criticism; petition launches Declan McCullagh
FC: DC events: Cato on ICANN (7/23) and CEI on copyright (7/22) Declan McCullagh
FC: Abortionismurder.org replies to Politech with list of domains Declan McCullagh
FC: Abortionismurder.org buys domains similar in name to newspapers Declan McCullagh
FC: Oklahoma ISP filters mystery bookstore newsletter as "unsuitable" Declan McCullagh

Monday, 15 July

FC: House votes 385-3 for wiretaps, life sent. for malicious hackers Declan McCullagh
FC: Thomas Leavitt replies to WSJ op-ed that wants clone-ban Declan McCullagh
FC: Does Yahoo currently ban HTML email text with Javascript tags? Declan McCullagh
FC: On CSPAN right now: James Traficant testifying in his own defense Declan McCullagh
FC: Public Knowledge hopes to turn geeks into, well, geektivists Declan McCullagh
FC: Roxio "Toast" CD burning software may limit copying Declan McCullagh
FC: WSJ op-ed argues for banning human cloning for four years Declan McCullagh
FC: Vatican succeeds in shutting down "blasphemous" websites Declan McCullagh
FC: Do y*u Y*h**? Yahoo bans HTML email text with Javascript tags Declan McCullagh
FC: Scientists create polio virus, politicos weigh regulations Declan McCullagh

Sunday, 14 July

FC: Why politicians shouldn't spam, from a non-spamming politico Declan McCullagh
FC: Judge grants injunction against Gator in NYT/Dow Jones suit Declan McCullagh
FC: Bush administration readies nationwide informant program Declan McCullagh

Friday, 12 July

FC: Reminder: H2K2 conference begins today in New York Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 11 July

FC: Reply to Politech challenge: Stegograms found on azzam.com Declan McCullagh
FC: Double-headed draft bill curtails fair use -- but aids webcasters Declan McCullagh
FC: Delaware politico Steve Biener claims he has the right to spam Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 10 July

FC: Feds face "pervasive weakness" in homeland IT security, GAO says Declan McCullagh
FC: A new domain name dispute low: Unix.org loses name to X/Open Declan McCullagh
FC: MPAA lawyergrams Gnutella user for sharing "The Simpsons" Declan McCullagh
FC: Replies to "David Scott Anderson, spammer" and bad blacklists Declan McCullagh
FC: A defense of David Scott Anderson and resume spamming Declan McCullagh
FC: Spam and its defense: A system administrator's point of view Declan McCullagh
FC: SearchEngineWatch.com on "Deep Linking Lunacy" Declan McCullagh
FC: Capitol Hill considers privacy czar for Homeland Security agency Declan McCullagh
FC: Washington's focus on Homeland Defense moves to technology Declan McCullagh
FC: Politech challenge: Decode Al Qaeda stego-communications! Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 09 July

FC: Three tales of firsthand problems with "anti-spam" blacklists Declan McCullagh
FC: ABC News features Neal Horsley, Abortioncams.com tonight Declan McCullagh

Monday, 08 July

FC: Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conf. is in NYC next April Declan McCullagh
FC: Replies to "free Prozac in the mail draws a lawsuit" Declan McCullagh
FC: David Scott Anderson: An unapologetic resume spammer, and a twist Declan McCullagh
FC: Verisign deviltry? Its reply to a customer who wants to leave Declan McCullagh
FC: Case against Goner worm suspects starts in Israel, closed to press Declan McCullagh
FC: Free Prozac in the mail draws a lawsuit, from NYT Declan McCullagh
FC: India worries about Carnivore's prowl, warrantless searches Declan McCullagh
FC: Famous former NYC cop laments loss of individual liberties Declan McCullagh
FC: White House advises "cybersecurity" insurance, by Brian Krebs Declan McCullagh
FC: Eurocrats say governments should turn to open source software Declan McCullagh
FC: Rep. Berman introduces anti-P2P bill this week -- but no hearing Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 04 July

FC: Alanis Morissette sues Politech subscriber over alanis.net Declan McCullagh
FC: "Hacktivismo" plans to release stego software at H2K2 next week Declan McCullagh
FC: Happy Anniversary-of-American-Independence Day! Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 03 July

FC: Is the U.S. government a clueless spammer? Declan McCullagh
FC: ICANN lawyer Joe Sims to John Gilmore: "Doesn't have a clue" Declan McCullagh
FC: EFF, 2600 give up: Won't appeal loss in DVD descrambling case Declan McCullagh
FC: Entervision.com reportedly retransmits CNN and NBC shows Declan McCullagh
FC: Freedom-loving Singapore government eliminates online dissent Declan McCullagh
FC: H2K2 conference list of speakers: July 12-14 in NYC Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 02 July

FC: Photos from WorldCom CEO John Sidgmore hour-long apologia today Declan McCullagh
FC: CEI's reply to Berman's war on trading: What's wrong with DRM? Declan McCullagh
FC: Salon interviews John Gilmore: "It's time for ICANN to go" Declan McCullagh
FC: Photos, text of top Euro antitrustocrat's speech yesterday Declan McCullagh

Monday, 01 July

FC: More on Howard Berman's war on P2P networks Declan McCullagh
FC: CALEA wiretap requirements took effect yesterday Declan McCullagh
FC: U.K. royals fret their security info is revealed online Declan McCullagh
FC: Transcript of Senate hearing on FBI counterterrorism efforts Declan McCullagh
FC: In New Jersey, privacy fears trump access to government records Declan McCullagh
FC: NYT reports on Time Warner flap over 802.11 free access Declan McCullagh