Politech: by date

41 messages starting Nov 01 05 and ending Nov 30 05
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Wednesday, 30 November

Cybercrime treaty before U.S. Senate: two critiques [priv] Declan McCullagh
Hillary Clinton takes aim at video games once again, demands new federal laws [fs] Declan McCullagh
Dan Geer's call to arms on Massachusetts and open standards for .gov documents [ip] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 29 November

TIA redux? Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity to go domestic [priv] Declan McCullagh
Root server operator says he'd ignore Bush administration overreaching on domains [econ] Declan McCullagh
Weekly column: Fuzzy logic behind proposed cybercrime treaty Declan McCullagh
Canadian safetycrats test anti-speeding devices that may, in some cases, kill people [priv] Declan McCullagh

Monday, 28 November

Diebold must comply with N.C. law, escrow source code, federal judge rules [fs] Declan McCullagh
Six senators say wording of Patriot Act renewal is "unacceptable" [priv] Declan McCullagh
Feds want to monitor and detain travelers for public health purposes [priv] Declan McCullagh
St. Louis crime boss used "confidential" police database, indictment says [priv] Declan McCullagh
Back from U.N. summit; reports and photos from Tunisia [fs] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 09 November

David Wagner's co-authored analysis of RFID and library privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh
Mini-debate on Wal-Mart and RFID: good or evil? Declan McCullagh
Jim Harper on how anti-RFID'ers harm immigrants, the poor (and public libraries) [priv] Declan McCullagh
RFID protesters target Wal-Mart, demand new laws and regulations [priv] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 08 November

United Nations and the Net: another round, and why root servers are key Declan McCullagh
Tim Wu replies on United Nations summit next week: Why it's important Declan McCullagh
Jonathan Zittrain on U.N., Net governance: "I don't get it" Declan McCullagh
United Nations summit roundup, and why aren't bloggers interested? (3/3) Declan McCullagh
Kofi Annan: the United Nations won't "take over" the Internet (2/3) Declan McCullagh
U.S. senator warns to beware a "digital munich" at United Nations summit (1/3) Declan McCullagh

Friday, 04 November

How the MPAA killed the movie theater experience: a first-hand report [ip] Declan McCullagh
New lawsuit challenges employers using subpoenas to unmask bloggers [fs] Declan McCullagh
Lots of RIAA lawsuits, little success? [ip] Declan McCullagh
25 investment funds will monitor Net-firms in repressive regimes [fs] Declan McCullagh
Breathalyzer source code must be disclosed, Florida court says [ip] Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 03 November

Treating ICANN as a .gov agency: a proposal to the United Nations summit [fs] Declan McCullagh
Democrats defeat Online Freedom of Speech Act in House [fs] Declan McCullagh
Peter Swire on why Alito's co-authored report isn't very informative [priv] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 02 November

Copy of Judge Alito's co-authored report on privacy now available [priv] Declan McCullagh
Replies to bizarre Forbes article, and a note of legal caution [fs] Declan McCullagh
How to Avoid Being BlogBashed, by law prof blogger Jim Maule [fs] Declan McCullagh
Reply to professor asking for help with learning economics through video games [econ] Declan McCullagh
Replies to U.S. passports to receive RFID implants starting in October 2006 [priv] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 01 November

Judge Samuel Alito's police-friendly views of electronic surveillance [priv] Declan McCullagh
Sony CD copy protection hides itself in Windows operating system, with side effects [ip] Declan McCullagh
Judge Alito, Supreme Court nominee and First Amendment maximalist [fs] Declan McCullagh
Weekly column: Who should you call a journalist, nowadays? [fs] Declan McCullagh
Private high school in New Jersey bans blogging [fs] Declan McCullagh
Forbes runs a stunning series of articles on fighting bloggers [fs] Declan McCullagh