Secure Coding mailing list archives

Re: Scripting Languages and Secure Coding + code

From: Andrew Rucker Jones <arjones () simultan dyndns org>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 19:29:19 +0000

[Ed. Yes, PGP-signed submissions are just fine--encouraged even.
It's just the HTML and MIME that there are problems with.  This 
one _should_ work....  ;-)  KRvW]

Hash: SHA1

I know this is not what You asked, but i'm no secure coding guru. It
just occurred to me that this code:

| $username=stripslashes(trim($_POST['username']));
| $password=stripslashes(trim($_POST['password']));

would disallow a user from having slashes (and possibly other characters
- -- i don't know PHP and the stripslashes() command) in their passwords
(and usernames, but i think they can live with that). I know this always
annoys me when Web sites do this. Is any santitation of the password
field necessary (except possibly trim())? Going on the assumption that
PHP does not use \0 to indicate the end of a string (as i said, i don't
know PHP), the only thing You do with the password field directly is
check that it is not empty, then put it through MD5. I think MD5 is
sanitation enough. What do others say? (This would also give You a
really tiny speed improvement. :) ).
        At the very least, the user would have to be informed of this with
proper error checking upon account creation or password change.
(Although one could argue that if You use the same process upon account
creation, it would work, and the user would be none the wiser. But then
You could theoretically run into problems with duplicate usernames if
one person took johndoe and another took john/doe. It would be confusing
to the user, i think. Okay, i'm running off into the wilderness now.)


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