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IBM to catch Watchfire security technology | Tech News on ZDNet

From: ken at (Kenneth Van Wyk)
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 10:21:48 -0400

FYI, yet another acquisition in the security world...  This time it's  
IBM buying up Watchfire (makers of AppScan). 

Kind of reminds me of something Chef Jacques Pepin said in an  
interview with Terry Gross on NPR's "Fresh Air" some time back  
(IIRC).  He said when he was growing up, leftover food never went to  
waste.  They always took yesterday's leftovers and made something  
completely new with it the next day -- NEVER simply re-heating it to  
serve the same thing again, which always ends up being bland.  By the  
time the "last" of the real food was gone, nobody remembered what the  
original recipe even was.  That kept them interested in the food even  
as it went through several transformations.

Not sure why this comes to mind now...  ;-\


Kenneth R. van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

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