Secure Coding mailing list archives

Security as a part of code quality (Was: Re: Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?)

From: colin.cassidy at (Cassidy, Colin (GE Infra, Energy))
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:40:33 +0200

Martin Gilje Jaatun wrote:
Karen, Matt & all,

Goertzel, Karen [USA] wrote:
I'm more devious. I think what needs to happen is that we 
need to redefine what we mean by "functionally correct" or 
"quality" code. If determination of functional correctness 
were extended from "must operate as specified under expected 
conditions" to "must operate as specified under all 
conditions", functional correctness would necessarily require 
security, safety, fault tolerance, and all those other good 
things that make software dependable instead of just correct.
I couldn't agree more!

However, I have had several discussions with a colleague who is fairly
well known in the"Software Process Improvement Mafia" on the topic of
how to ensure that security requirements are considered for 
_all_ kinds
of code, not just "security software". Particularily in the context of
agile development techniques, security keeps getting the short end of
the stick, losing every time to "working features". His stance on this
is that "if security were important to the customer, the 
customer would
provide and prioritize security requirements". To me, this is 
a bit like
saying "If the customer doesn't explicitly state that the software
should be Y2k-proof, he/she is not really bothered about it".

The problem (certainly as I see it) is that the customer is likely to say
"Make it secure" without really understanding what that means.  Secure
against what exactly?

Or you'll get a list of security features that the customer wants, but as we
all know security features != secure product.

Instead we've taken a combined approach of including customer requirements
and adding specific requirements of our own focusing a good Secure
development practices.

If we can "brainwash" the coming generations of programmers into
accepting Karen's definition of "quality code", we might finally be
getting somewhere.

And that's the trick we've been attempting here.  Secure software is nothing
more than really good quality code.  We already use coding guidelines and
have a strong(ish) process of code reviews.  So we have augmented our coding
and review guidelines to include secure coding aspect such as input/output
validation, good memory management etc. 

That said there is still a lot of scope for improvement in the rest of the
software development process (testing and design in particular).

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