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Ramesh Nagappan Blog : Java EE 6: Web Application Security made simple ! | Core Security Patterns Weblog

From: jsteven at (John Steven)
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 13:02:35 -0500


Yours was the predicted response. The ref-impl. to API side-step does not fix the flaw in the argument though.

No, you do not need "A" ESAPI to build secure apps. 

Please re-read my email carefully. 

1) Some organizations adopt OWASP ESAPI's ref-impl.
2) Others build their own do agree and see the value; yes

#1 and #2 agree with your position.

3) Some secure their toolkits (again, "a la secure struts")

Indicating such a "secure struts" is an organization's ESAPI perverts the ESAPI concept far too greatly to pass muster. 
Indeed, were it to, it would violate properties 3 and 4 (and very likely 2) within my previous email's advantage list. 

Mr. Boberski, you too need to re-read my email. I advise you strongly not to keep saying that ESAPI is "like 
PK-enabling" an APP. I don't think many people got a good feeling about how much they spent on, or how effective their 
PKI implementation was ;-). Please consider how you'd ESAPI-enable the millions of lines of underlying framework code 
beneath the app.

4) Policy + Standards, buttressed with a robust assurance program

Some organizations have sufficiently different threat models and deployment scenarios within their 'four walls' that 
they opt for specifying an overarching policy and checking each sub-organization's compliance--commensurate with their 
risk tolerance and each app deployment's threat model. Each sub-organization may-or-may-not choose to leverage items 
one and two from this list. I doubt, however, you'd argue that more formal methods of verification don't suffice to 
perform 'as well' as ESAPI in securing an app (BTW, I have seen commercial implementations opt for such verification as 
an alternative to a security toolkit approach). Indeed, an single security API would likely prove a disservice if 
crammed down the throats of sub-organizations that differ too greatly.

At best, the implicit "ESAPI or the highway" campaign slogan  applies to only 50% of the alternatives I've listed. And 
since the ESAPI project doesn't have documented and publicly available good, specific, actionable requirements, mis-use 
cases, or a threat model from which it's working, the OWASP ESAPI project doesn't do as much as it could for the #2 
option above.

Jim, Mike, I see your posts all-througout the the blog-o-sphere and mailing lists. Two-line posts demanding people 
adopt ESAPI or forgo all hope can off-put. It conjures close-minded religion to me. Rather:

* Consider all four of the options above, one might be better than OWASP ESAPI within the context of the post
* Consider my paragraph following Point #4. Create:

        * An ESAPI mis-use case guide, back out security policy it manifests, 
          or requirements it implements (and don't point me to the unit 
          tests--I've read them)
        * Document an ESAPI threat model (For which apps will developers have
          their expectations met adopting ESAPI? Which won't?)
        * A document describing experiment results: before and after ESAPI: 
          how many results does a pen-test find?, 'Code review?
        * Write an adoption guide. Apps are only created in a green-field
          once. Then they live in maintenance forever. How do you apply 
          ESAPI to a real-world app already in production without risk/regression?

* Generate an argument as to why ESAPI beats these alternatives. Is it cost? Speed-to-market? What?
* Finally, realize that it's OK that there's more than one way to do things. Revel in it. It's what makes software an 
exciting field. 

In the meantime, rest assured that those of us out there that have looked get that ESAPI can be a good thing.

John Steven
Senior Director; Advanced Technology Consulting
Desk: 703.404.9293 x1204 Cell: 703.727.4034
Key fingerprint = 4772 F7F3 1019 4668 62AD  94B0 AE7F EEF4 62D5 F908

Software Confidence. Achieved.

On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Jim Manico wrote:


You do not need OWASP ESAPI to secure an app. But you need "A" ESAPI  
for your organization in order to build secure Apps, in my opinion.  
OWASP ESAPI may help you get started down that path.

An ESAPI is no silver bullet, there is no such thing as that in  
AppSec. But it will help you build secure apps.

Jim Manico

On Jan 6, 2010, at 6:20 PM, John Steven <jsteven at> wrote:


With due respect to those who work on ESAPI, Jim included, ESAPI is  
not the only way "to make a secure app even remotely possible." And  
I believe that underneath their own pride in what they've done--some  
of which is very warranted--they understand that. It's hard not to  
become impassioned in posting.

I've seen plenty of good secure implementations within  
organizations' own security toolkits. I'm not the only one that's  
noticed: the BSIMM SSF calls out three relevant activities to this  

SDF 1.1 Build/publish security features (*1)
SDF 2.1 Find/publish mature design patterns from the organization  
(similar URL)
SDF 2.3  Build secure-by-design middleware frameworks/common  
libraries (similar URL)

Calling out three activities within the SSF means that it can't just  
be "John Steven's top client" (whatever that means) that's doing  
this either. I've formally reviewed some of these toolkits and I'd  
pit them against ESAPI and expect favorable results. Plenty of  
organizations are doing a great job building stuff on top of  
profoundly broken platforms, frameworks, and toolkits... and they're  
following a 'secure SDL' to get there. ESAPI can not be said to have  
adhered to that rigor (*2). Organizations care about this risk  
regardless of the pedigree and experience of those who are building  

Is the right answer for everyone to drop everything and build their  
own secure toolkit? I don't think so. I like that the OWASP  
community is taking a whack at something open and free to share.  
These same people have attempted to improve Java's security through  
the community process--and though often correct, diligent, friendly,  
and well-intentioned, their patience has often been tested to or  
beyond the breaking point: those building the platforms and  
frameworks simply aren't listening that well yet. That is very sad.

One thing I've seen a lot of is organizations assessing, testing,  
hardening, documenting, and internally distributing their own  
versions of popular Java EE toolkits (the "secure struts"  
phenomenon). I've seen some organizations give their developers  
training and write SAST rules to automatically verify correct use of  
such toolkits. I like this idea a hell of a lot as an alternative to  
an ESAPI-like approach. Why? A few reasons:

1) Popularity - these toolkits appeal to developers: their  
interfaces have been "voted on" by their adopting user population-- 
not conceived and lamented principally by security folk. No one  
forces developers to go from Struts to Spring they do it because it  
saves them time, makes their app faster, or some combination of  
important factors.

2) Changes App Infrastructure - MVC frameworks, especially, make up  
the scaffolding (hence the name 'Struts') of an application. MVC  
code often touches user input before developer's see it and gets the  
last chance to encode output before a channel (user or otherwise)  
receives it. Focusing on an application's scaffolding allows in some  
cases, a best-chance of touching all input/out and true invisibility  
relative to developer generated code. Often, its configuration is  
declarative in nature as well--keeping security from cluttering up  
the Java code. Note that this approach is fundamentally different  
from Firewalls and some dynamic patching because it's "in the  
app" (an argument made recently by others in the blogosphere).

3) Top-to-Bottom Secure by Default - Declarative secure-by-default  
configuration of the hardened toolkit allows for securing those data  
flows that never make it out of the scaffolding into the app. If an  
organization wrote their own toolkit-unware security API, they'd  
have to not only assure their developers call it each-and-every  
place their it's needed but they'd also need to crack open the  
toolkits and make sure THEY call it too. Most of the time, one  
actively wants to avoid even having this visibility let along  
maintenance problem: it's a major headache.

and, most importantly,

4) Less Integration points - Developers are already going to have to  
integrate against a MVC framework, so why force them to integrate  
against YA (yet-another) API? The MVC frameworks already contend  
with things like session management, input filtering, output- 
encoding, and authentication. Why not augment/improve that existing  
idiom rather than force developers to use it and an external  
security API?

The ESAPI team has plenty of responses to the last question... not  
the least of which is "...'cause [framework XXX] sucks." Fair. Out  
of the box, they often do. Fair, [framework team XXX] probably isn't  
listening to us security guys either.

If you're an ESAPI shop--good. Careful adoption of a security API  
can help your security posture. Please remember to validate that the  
API (if you sucked in an external one rather than writing it)  
applies to your applications' threat model and ticks off all the  
elements of your security policy. Because, having hooked it into  
their apps, teams are going to want a fair amount of exoneration  
from normal processes (Some of which is OK, but a lot can be  
dangerous). Second, please make sure it's actually secure--it will  
be a fulcrum of your security controls' effectiveness. Make sure  
that assessment program proves your developers used it correctly,  
consistently, and thoroughly throughout their apps. What do I tell  
you about ESAPI and your MVC frameworks (Point #3 from above)? - 
sigh- That's a longer discussion. And, by all means, don't think you  
can let your guard down on your pen-testing. Is it a silver bullet?  

Is ESAPI the only approach? No. I submit that it's -A- way. I hope  
this email outlines that effectively. And viewed from a  
knowledgeable but separate perspective: the ESAPI approach has  
pluses and minuses just like all the others.

John Steven
Senior Director; Advanced Technology Consulting
Desk: 703.404.9293 x1204 Cell: 703.727.4034
Key fingerprint = 4772 F7F3 1019 4668 62AD  94B0 AE7F EEF4 62D5 F908

Software Confidence. Achieved.

(*2) During the AppSecDC summit, Jeff indicated the ESAPI project  
would later pilot SAMM but the global projects committee indicated  
that getting OWASP projects to follow some secure development  
touchpoints is too onerous/impossible. Dinis, I'll note is a huge  
proponent of adherence.

On Jan 6, 2010, at 4:36 PM, James Manico wrote:

Hello Matt,

Java EE still has NO support for escaping and lots of other  
important security areas. You need something like OWASP ESAPI to  
make a secure app even remotely possible. I was once a Sun guy, and  
I'm very fond of Java and Sun. But JavaEE 6 does very little to  
raise the bar when it comes to Application Security.

- Jim

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Matt Parsons  
<mparsons1980 at> wrote:
From what I read it appears that this Java EE 6 could be a few rule
changers.   It looks like to me, java is checking for authorization  
authentication with this new framework.   If that is the case, I  
think that
static code analyzers could change their rule sets to check what  
normally is
a manual process in the code review of authentication and  
Am I correct on my assumption?


Matt Parsons, MSM, CISSP
315-559-3588 Blackberry
817-294-3789 Home office
mailto:mparsons1980 at

-----Original Message-----
From: sc-l-bounces at [mailto:sc-l- 
bounces at]
On Behalf Of Kenneth Van Wyk
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:59 AM
To: Secure Coding
Subject: [SC-L] Ramesh Nagappan Blog : Java EE 6: Web Application  
made simple ! | Core Security Patterns Weblog

Happy new year SC-Lers.

FYI, interesting blog post on some of the new security features in  
Java EE
6, by Ramesh Nagappan.  Worth reading for all you Java folk, IMHO.



Kenneth R. van Wyk
SC-L Moderator

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Jim Manico, Application Security Architect
jim.manico at | jim at
(301) 604-4882 (work)
(808) 652-3805 (cell)

Aspect Security?
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