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Re: Snort - ACID - MySQL - My Head Ache

From: <snort () xiata com>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 14:00:41 -0500 (EST)

No thing more. The application event log gives me the same as the XML
garbage does. It is the snort service that stops. MySQL keeps on trucking
like nothing is bothering it.
Here is the event log entry (*2)

744,Application,Application Error,ERROR,XiataSNORT,Sun Mar 23 18:05:47
2003,1000,None,Faulting application snort.exe, version, faulting
module snort.exe, version, fault address 0x0001fc6c.

743,Application,Application Error,ERROR,XiataSNORT,Sun Mar 23 17:57:42
2003,1000,None,Faulting application snort.exe, version, faulting
module snort.exe, version, fault address 0x0001fc6c.

As you can see there is not much to go from there. The comma delimited
stuff breaks down like this:

Event #, <Ignore>, <Ignore>, Type of Event, Event Header, HostName,
Date/time, Event ID, Category, Event Data

Attached is my snort.conf - with changes to IPs & MySQL user & pass to
protect the innocent. Not that I changed much in it. The HomeNet is
defined with real IPs in the same manner as the line suggests. I have no
other info on this so I know that I am grasping a bit much to even hope to
resolve this problem but I thought I would ask. Unless there is some way
to dump extra data about how the snort service dies.

I did a search on google & the MSKB for 0x0001fc6c but came up empty
handed. If it helps any I installed this in February in a lab and had no
problems. The moment I moved it to production (different IP address &
location being the _only_ difference) it started to have problems. The
initial set of instructions that I used where from Cnet Asia
and then I revised them w/ the ones from to try to
clear up the problems I was having after the move to production (same as
noted above. So the updates had not effect on resolving the issue).



Ok, pardon me for not following that XML garbage, but....  Other than
files and versions, I can't see any useful information in it.  Is there
_any_ sort of error message listed?  Is it Snort that dies, or is it
MySQL?  Anything in the EventLog, if XP has something like that.

Thanks to MS for hiding things from the users!  </sarcasm>

Erek Adams

   "When things get weird, the weird turn pro."   H.S. Thompson

Attachment: xiatasnort.conf

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