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Re: A broken filter...

From: Dan Joumaa <nessup () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 17:09:10 -0700

Hannes Gredler wrote:

Dan Joumaa wrote:


I am trying to capture all ethernet packets with the source host's first 3 octets being 00, 09, and bf. It was suggested that I used this filter: "ether[0] == 0x00 && ether[1] == 0x09 && ether[2] == 0xbf." When packets are sent that should match, nothing comes through. When I remove the filter, I'm able to receive the packets, along with every other packet.

What's wrong with my filter?

perhaps the filter is alright and the data is wrong ;-) -> i.e.

an  idea that come sinto mind is that
the packets come in using 802.1Q (VLAN) encaps ...

can you provide some more information about your capturing interface ?

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hey again,

I'm trying to capture data off a switched network. Specifically, I'm trying to get ARP packets. I've done this before, but this doesn't work. My init code looks perfectly fine:

   char *dev;
   char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE+1];
   bpf_u_int32 mask;
   char filter[] = "ether[6] = 0x00 && ether[7] = 0x09 && ether[8] = 0xbf";
   struct bpf_program fp;

...get net mask and dev...

   if( (pcap = pcap_open_live( dev, BUFSIZ, 1, 0, errbuf )) == NULL ) {
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open a pcap session because %s.\n",
                      errbuf );
       (void)free( dev );
       return (false);
   (void)free( dev );
   (void)setuid( getuid( ) ); // give the user back ownership
   if( pcap_compile( pcap, &fp, filter, 0, mask ) < 0 ) {
       (void)fprintf( stderr, "Failed to compile the filter.\n" );
       (void)pcap_close( pcap );
       return (false);
   if( pcap_setfilter( pcap, &fp ) < 0 ) {
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Failed to activate the filter because %s.\n",
                      errbuf );
       (void)pcap_close( pcap );
       return (false);


   (void)pcap_loop( pcap, -1, (void *)packetCaptured, NULL );

any idea on whats going wrong here?

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