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Re: output style question

From: Michael Richardson <mcr () sandelman ca>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:25:10 -0400

"Rick" == Rick Jones <rick.jones2 () hp com> writes:
    Rick> I have an output style question before I continue hacking at
    Rick> print-sflow.c.  Some of the fields in the PDUs are encoded -
    Rick> the top two bits are a format which change the meaning of the
    Rick> remaining 30 bits.  my question is whether the printing should
    Rick> simply emit the format and the value as separate items, or
    Rick> change the "description" text based on the format.  For
    Rick> example, sflowtool from inmon does the latter mostly but also
    Rick> a bit of the former:

I prefer to have the format, and then the decode of the remaining 30
bits.  I like if it says, "dropCode(1)" as the description :-)

I don't know sflow well enough, but typical users of tcpdump are:
  a) a developer of a interoperable system trying to figure out what
     some closed source device is trying to say.
  b) a network engineer/expert who is trying to report a bug to 
     vendor A, because vendor A and B do not interoperate, and they
     believe it is vendor A that got it wrong.

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] mcr () sandelman ottawa on ca |device driver[
   Kyoto Plus: watch the video <>
                       then sign the petition. 

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